Actually he says several things, some a bit contradictory, about the state of the adult industry when it comes to DVD sales (down to 30% from 80% a few years ago), the intrusion of tube sites and the rapid growth of internet-based video-on-demand outlets, such as a little one you might have heard of called NakedSword.
You can read the article yourself, if you care, or you can take a gander at Dr. Dick’s service offerings or the pornos he’s made under the studio name Daddy Oohh. While we know some of the man’s points may be valid, we’re a little wary of listening to someone with a PhD who misspells “wringing” in his third sentence (“A ringing of hands has replaced the ubiquitous hand job.”), and who appears to be wearing a priest’s collar in his photo. But then, we’re bitches like that.
UPDATE: He appears to have a Masters in Theology from a Jesuit school. Naturally.
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Watch some of Dr. Dick’s studio’s work on NakedSword.