As if using his KNEE to massage Donny Wright’s butt cheek didn’t push the envelope far enough, gay porn king Cody Cummings is finally crossing the final threshold of his career by using his own TOES to jerk off another man’s cock!
On the one hand, this is one of those legendary gay porn moments that only comes around once in a generation. Years from now, everyone will remember exactly where they were and exactly what they were doing when they heard that Cody Cummings’ toes were used to stroke another man’s cock.
On the other hand, now that Cody Cummings has gone this far, what could possibly be left for him to accomplish? What could he ever do to top this? Has Cody Cummings’ career peaked too soon?
What, if anything, can Cody Cummings do to reassure people that he’s not done pushing his personal limits and becoming more comfortable within a certain set of gay sexual boundaries? Once you’ve touched another man’s dick with your toes, is there any gay sex act left?
[Cody Cummings: Cody Cummings Jerks Off Hunter Page’s Cock With His Toes]
Coming up next week, Cody rubs his pancreas on another man’s taint! Stay tuned!
Is it possible to get Athletes foot on your dick or an std on your feet?
It makes me sad everytime I see a Cody Cummings post. You failed to keep your promise to not discuss this douche anymore.
I don’t think this is new for Cody. If IRC he has done this on a couple of occasions. Maybe not this blatant, but whatever. Maybe he’ll progress to sticking his big toe up a guy’s butt.
Oh wow, he used a toe. Let’s see if in a year he’ll move up to using his forearm to touch a guy’s penis. Waste of money.
if you think about it cody is pretty smart. he does nothing on camera and everyone blogs about, and posts about him doing nothing on camera. if everyone ignored him for 2 months he’d be doing treasure island movies before you know it
OMG he used his toes! What the p.o.s. next move using his elbow to brush the other guys balls ?