In news that is sure to send the straight porn world into a tailspin, XBIZ and AVN’s 2012 Straight Performer of the Year Rocco Reed has come out as a homosexual man, having signed an exclusive gay porn contract with and appearing in his first ever hardcore gay porn sex scenes!
Reed was a hugely popular star in straight porn, so finding out that he was gay the whole time is crazy!!!
Press release from
Rocco Reed, XBiz & AVN 2012 Straight Performer of the Year, exits the world of straight porn to sign an exclusive six month contract with gay porn studio Rocco filmed his first gay sex scene yesterday in LA with gay porn star Tommy Defendi. More information to be announced following the release of his first hardcore gay sex scene on which will be available to members in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more gay action from Rocco Reed!
That is just insane. How many other “straight” porn guys are actually gay in real life? I bet all of them.
It must be so weird for all the ladies who Rocco Reed fucked, now knowing that he was actually a secret homosexual all along.
Kudos to Rocco for having the balls to come out as gay. I’m sure his former co-workers in straight porn support him 100%. And I’m sure they will welcome him back with open arms (and open pussies!) should he ever decide to go back to straight porn to work as a straight-for-pay star!
Here’s a preview of openly gay Rocco Reed’s first gay porn scene, with Tommy Defendi. It looks like one of Rocco’s friends from straight porn dropped by the set to wish him well. Cool!
So hot. Did you ever think you would see a woman with cum-drenched titties on a site called!
And people say gay porn is dead…
WHO THE HELL CARES.. gross a chick on this site, shame on you UGH .
Rocco Reed’s real name is Joshua Broome and he’s in a relationship with girlfriend Catie O’Grady (he is completely, 100% straight off camera). Joshua (who just turned 30) is transfering out of porn into a fitness business, but decided to take A LOT of cash for six months of gay porn. He is completely gay for pay and, in a way, using the gay industry to cash in before he retires from the business. If you ask any of his friends from Francis Marion University they will tell you he’s been a sex addict forever, and is doing gay for pay to make the most money before he exits.
My parents had the playboy channel back in the mid 90’s. There was a sex talk show with an actress named Julie Ashton and some other actress(can’t remember her name)…Anyways, my mother told me one time when she was watching it that they said most of the male actors in straight porn were gay and they had to have male fluffers on the set for them. I don’t know if it’s true, but I know that Peter North was kind of big at the time and he was definitely in gay porn b4. Also, while watching straight porn when I was younger, some of the guys pinged my gaydar. Ironically, I thought this one guy might be bi at least, and a couple years later I saw him in a couple of gay porn videos.
If he tries to ride the “I’m sexual” fence – he’ll be eviscerated from both sides.
He was already fiming with Naughty America – so he has an in with straight porn as they own
Naughty America doesn’t own, I think Manwin does. Naughty America’s gay site Suite 703 shut down last year.
Yes, they do.
No they don’t Manwin runs (and a bunch of straight sites).
Christian XXX hasn’t been involved with Naughty America in a couple of years, neither has Laura. Christian didn’t have anything to do with the now defunct arm of Naughty America (Suite 703), a friend of Laura’s named Tommy Stone ran it then someone else did before it shut down.
this is when you hit bottom…literally and figuratively.
well, if you want to get on the good graces of straight productions again, all you would have to do is join Promises in Malibu and then claim prescription addiction made you do it.
Considering that he is doing gay porn and now having sex with men on film, that usually constitutes ‘coming out’ to most people in our society. He also said on Twitter that “One book closes and another one opens”. That appears to me as if he is closing the door on his straight life and coming out as gay.
Like many I have my questions as to why/what brought on the change of heart on his behalf, but I really feel that this kind of stunt shows how badly the Porn industry as a whole is hurting and starving for attention/money. Knowing what I know first hand at how the Porn industry is run with bigotry, with it’s homophobic attitudes toward out/proud Gay/Bi men on either side of Porn Gay or Straight, this comes as no surprise( why are masculine looking Gay performers almost always introduced as a power tops Matthew Rush/ Marc Williams, when you can clearly see, they are struggling to top and are clearly more comfortable being a big ole bottom). In the scope of things in today’s landscape of being in the Porn business, you have to cash in while you can and cater to niche market. There are many so called Straight performers who have sex with men and each other off camera(the next time you are watching Straight Porn look at the used up/deep gaping assholes of the male talent), why do we as a tribe, continue to put up with, fall for this type of fuckery? I don’t know if this guy has come to terms with his sexuality, if he has than I’m happy for you and welcome to the family, but if you like many before you(Most of the NDS roster, John Holmes, Peter North, Mark Slade, and Max Diesel) are just using the fact that you were a popular Straight performer to reach into the Gay man’s pocket, you like those before you will have to deal with a great deal of backlash, when the dust clears, and the truth comes out. To my Gays that watch, buy, and love real Gay Porn, don’t be so quick to let someone steal/run off with your disposable income, make them work hard for it like sucking a dick or getting fucked up the ass for real, not a simulated sexual act or CGI camera trick!
Maybe he’s going into gay porn to raise funds for a hair transplant. The rogaine he has on his bathroom counter will won’t be enough to cover the bald spot.
Zach I don’t find this funny at all suggesting he’s gay would out first letting him make his own statement about his true sexuality as to whether he is really gay are not? It feel like he is pulling a Logan-McCree creating a fire-storm all over the internet in the porn world and sex industry the porn bloggersphere,porno consumers and with porn fans as well.Right now he’s got every one in the porn community talking about him and his move from str8-porn to gay!getting him lots of media attention with this story which will either be a fantastic move on his part or a very bad adventure that will come back and bite in his ass.One thing Rocco-Reed better do is learn from what happen to former str8-porn star Frank-Towers aka Mark-Slade when he made the cross-over from str8-porn to gay many years earlier before his retirement from the porn and sex industry for good.I see his former Talent Agency one the biggest Str8 Adult Porn Model Agency has taken down his porn model profile on their website but he is not alone because another str8 male model who work for them.By the name of Marco-Rivera his profile is also gone I guess they found out about his gay escort work on the side including his AD and his escort AD Marco also appeared on Jake-C str8 Guy for Gay Eyes porn site,a Reality TV show and a episode of Judge Joe Brown.In a court case he didn’t win maybe Rocco-R should have ask ChristianXXX aka Max-Diesel about all the hell he had to endure when he made the cross-over from gay to str8-porn with all the hatred he has recieve from str8-porn fans and the str8 porn industry as whole before he cross that line.As a man who still doze tranny -porn and take it up the ass in str8-porn it didn’t take Derek-Atlas long to discover why he would be better off doing gay-porn than str8 beside their no mystery their it pays better than str8 and males are treated better than str8-porn as well.
The Marco Rivera escort ads were fakes. Oh the shame that comes with working in the gay porn industry. Nope, looks like it isn’t getting any better thanks to all the Gays that love to bash what they do not find attractive or doesn’t fit into what they think anyone other then str8 should be.
Not Rocco reed.
Because a site that still hires the likes of Spencer Fox and is run by homophobic faghag and her closeted boyfriend would never do such a thing as hire a “straight” guy to do gay porn.
Let’s be honest, the only reason Laura D was hanging around gay porn stars is – as an average looking women – was counting on being around the many (not Gay) guys when they were sexually frustrated/lonely – and she would get her chance to swoop in as they wouldn’t have to explain what they do for a living. Yes, I mean it – look the the content of (only ay to have gay sex is be violent) and the bs she spouts on twitter about the g4p guys watching straight porn or hiring idiots like Spencer Fox.
There are 1 of 2 scenarios here, either:
1.) he was retiring anyway from straight porn and wanted to leave with a bang – and they offered him a lot of money.
2.) Being a straight porn company – they have guaranteed him work in straight porn.
Either way – he gets a lot of attention now – I don’t see this going well wheteher he is straight/gay/bi.
Let’s get real – just another g4p – that they payed a ton of money more than a gay guy.
Or he tested out of straight porn. His “one door closes, another opens” comment doesn’t sound very enthusiastic.
His twiiter is very vague – although he did post a pic of his girlfriend on valentines.
His connection to is through ChristianX/Laura D/Naughty America – he has sent Christian several pics on twitter.
Um, when did gay porn become a punchline. We watch gay porn to get off and have fun not worry about such trivial bullshit about whether someone is gay for pay or gay himself. Besides, he is good looking and last time I checked it is better to be on then work for those assholes at next door.
I got the sarcasm, and I thought it was hilarious!
I do think if he’s in as g4p for a while, he needs to up the ante on his physique. Since apparantly there is a huge market for str8 guys being forced, tricked, using a gay guy to service or baited(with money or chicks) into gay sex, he will probably do well at first.
P.S. Rocco is fucking hot.
People haven’t “missed” the sarcasm, because it’s not there to be missed. It’s bad writing. Zach used to be better at this kind of thing. There’s no wink, no nod. People were bound to misunderstand it because it’s got no subtext.
Zach’s been slipping since his “Shadowkiss” piece.
Tighten the reins, Zach! I’d like to enjoy the blog again.
It always amazes me how many people completely miss sarcasm over the internet.
Putting aside some of the theories and speculation, judging by what some of his colleagues in the straight industry are writing, it wasn’t a shock or surprise to them.
REALLY? There’s a lot of hot performers out there and Men have to hire as an exclusive a straight performer? Either way it doesn’t look promising by the look of these pics,and Tommy Defendi? MEH…
I assume they did the math. He’s a well-known straight performer, he was willing to do it, and they put him in a scenario which starts out by reminding us that he’s a well-known straight performer. If your fantasy is to see a well-known straight performer get distracted by the cameraman, here it is.
Zach, this is irresponsible reporting. It’s not funny either. Many of us struggled with accepting our sexuality before coming out. “Outing someone” as a joke, unless they are an anti-gay politician or someone who has harmed the gay community, is NEVER okay.
When did Rocco Reed publicly come out as “gay”? Do you have a statement from him, a tweet from him, any proof? All that was issued was a few photos and a press release that he agreed to do work with
Rocco Reed’s sexuality in his personal life is his business alone. If he’s straight, fine. If he’s gay, that’s great too. Porn, or the adult entertainment industry, is a job or a profession. I could really care less what Rocco’s sexual orientation is, as long as he does a good job in his scenes.
There are plenty of “Gay-4-Payers” who DO put out good scenes. Not all G4P’ers are Cody Cummings.
This news article could have been written by some homophobic blogger for the straight porn industry. And maybe that’s the joke that Zach was trying to make.
But it’s not funny because many people (including straight porn people) will read this article, believe it, and it will only add to the cacophony of their homophobia.
I think you are overreacting about homophobia and whatever. In hindsight Zach was making a point about gay4pay but it didn’t translate well.
I do think the sarcasm was misplaced in this particular story.
Zach made confusing what was actually a pretty straightforward scoop.
Sometimes he should stick to being a good blogger and leave the snark to items that warrant them.
you have strange ideas on what “outing” means…
Totally not funny/cool, just stupid.
Okay, so he can’t get hard, has a little dick, won’t reciprocate, he’s a breeder in real life…yeah, damn – he’s perfect for gay porn!
My my someone couldn’t pass the ‘straight porn’ test.
There has always been an attitude of “you stay on your side of the road and we’ll stay on ours” between the straight and gay sides of the porn industry. But that hasn’t stopped a number of male performers over the years trying their luck between the two.
The fact that Rocco Reed is a popular and successful male performer in straight porn crossing over to do gay work is a rare thing. I’m waiting for the interview to see why he did it and if he still means to work with women or if this is a complete transtition over to guys…….
He was in straight porn with that size dik?…oh the double standard..a blk dude would never make it with that size..SMH
MTE. This dude is gross. He’s got a paunchy gut that he’s sucking in, love handles, orange leathery Oompah-Loompah skin, and a teeny nothing dick. And they’re trying to sell him as some kind of win for gay porn? Meanwhile, there’s plenty of hot gay guys out there that are getting past over for jobs…
Zach, your audience gets denser by the minute.
If your sarcasm isn’t obvious by now, it will never be.
Oh, the sarcasm is readily apparent, transparent you might say… it’s just NOT FUNNY.
Welcome Rocco Glad to see another G4P in the gay porn industry. You need to work out a bit more. Gays are more into body shape. Good luck man.
Ya know, I used to get your sarcasm, Zach… but this just isn’t funny.
About six months ago I asked Rocco if he would ever do a gay scene. His one word response – NEVER!
He recently became a personal trainer and is heavily involved with crossfit, so he started to do fewer scenes. Then at the beginning of the month, he cancelled a shoot with only two days notice to do a charity thing. This angered the producers and they called Rocco out on twitter. But I’m sure that is not why he decided to do gay porn. Infact, since the beginning of 2010, Rocco has done more scenes than any other male performer. There’s more to this story, and I’m sure Laura D. is at the center.
Glad I am not the only one smelling a juicy backstory.
Abs are a little sloppy. Look at how he’s sucking in his gut. He’s straight. It makes zero sense that someone who is gay would do straight porn. They pay the men so little
I realize you’re not a journalist and nothing more than a blogger, but who said anything about Rocco coming out? He signed a contract to do gay porn. That’s it. Now if it turns out Rocco is gay, great!! Happy for him! But you simply created that storyline.
It doesn’t say he’s gay-oriented at all. It just says he’s going to be doing gay porn for, which is straight-owned by people from the straight porn industry.
It’s certainly a surprise. When one considers the rampant homophobia in straight porn, he won’t be able to return. But the statement of nowhere says that he has become gay all of a sudden. Neither do his tweets. So he probably just came out as “sexual” or “bi-curious”. And what’s with the girl in the last two pictures? Is she just a “friend from straight porn”, part of the story (which would make it’s first bisexual scene I guess?)or was he allowed to bring his personal fluffer with him???
Since in the pictures they “pretend” Defendi is the cameraman, I assume the “scenario” for Reed’s first scene is “straight pornstar gets seduced by cameraman” and the chick is there to play out the scenario.
Let’s remember too that it is a woman who is directing those scenes for
Well… I wouldn’t do him no matter what his sexual orientation may be… His dick is way too small for me…
By the way has anyone seen where my thimble is? Someone must have taken it off my pinkie finger…
This sounds hard to believe and would be very stupid if True. Why would a gay man go make less money
doing straight porn if he could make 3 times as much in the gay porn arena, I smell fish on this guys dick.
I have to say this kind of shocks me. I know some ‘straight’ porn stars are into guys. But this wasn’t a guy with a history in bi or gay porn who went into straight porn, or a guy who was just in a couple of straight porn videos.
This is a guy who has only been in straight porn so far and has had sex with HUNDREDS of women.
Very unusual.
There is something very iffy here if you want my opinion.
I think the coming out part is Zach’s sarcasm but it still does not explain why he would destroy a very busy career in straight porn for a handful of scenes with
As as a keen observer of straight porn, I did notice we saw less new scenes featuring him in the past few months(while we did still see him) especially since the break-up with Asa Akira.
At the risk of being accused of irresponsible speculation, I bet something pretty nasty happened that blacklisted him with some straight producers hence this desperate move.
I really do not see any other explanation. Even if he WAS gay, he had a good thing going in straight porn … why jeopardizing it?
Actually, I think you’re right. Straight porn performers are a dime a dozen, hence why so many end up doing gay porn first or forever (in some cases,i.e. Troy Gabriel/Seth Gamble, Wolf Hudson, the Corbin Fisher guys) so dumping one from your list of performers is not as big a deal as dropping a female performer. I think this guy pissed off some hire ups at, it looks like, Wicked. So now he’s most likely blacklisted from straight porn and gay porn is his back-up plan.
Wolf Hudson does mostly tranny/bi/pegging kind of porn.
Here is the state of straight porn now.
Female performers are lucky to last six month in the straight industry now. There is a surplus of performers but not enough work now. Though I don’t know if it would apply in his case since he was working constantly.
Problem with the theory over his cancelling the Wicked shoot at the last minute is that it happened a couple of days ago. No way is that enough time for him to be blacklisted, let alone get desperate enough.
Clearly he cancelled because he had already made the decision to sign with (and didn’t tell them) since he shot his scene right after this happened.
Besides last-minute cancels happen all the time. It gives someone a bad name but there is more than Wicked in the game and he could have kept working. He was VERY popular with his female co-stars as far as I heard because he was handsome, charming and didn’t have a dick that rips them in half.
Again I think there is something darker going on.
I knew he was gay just by the stuff he tweeted and I am just counting the days for when Johnny Castle comes out of the closet. I remember him tweeting about watching Pretty Little Liars or some Dance show or was it Rocco, I don’t know, either way I think Johnny is gay as well. I think James Deen is as well, or at least I want him to be.
Nowhere does this say he is “gay” and coming out.
He is doing gay porn – a huge shocker considering how popular he was in straight porn.
I wonder what could possibly have prompted this. He was getting a lot of work so it can’t be money.
His cock in those videos doesn’t look GAY! Why all these bisexual (str8 or gay preference) don’t like word BI? Well if it’s true that he actually came out and not working there as g4p, that’s very good news. Good luck to him, and hope to see that big ass pounded hard one day :P
You will notice how hard he is when that chick is sucking him while he can manage at best a semi in the “gay” pictures and that’s in pics Defendi is not even touching him.
Notice too his hand in the pic where Defendi is riding him. Not the hand of someone comfortable touching another man.
Maybe that’s the result of trauma all that str8 porn did to him lol
Also funny that Tommy Defendi who proudly states COCKYBOYS EXCLUSIVE in his own Twitter self-description shot a scene for
BTW, I have 4 or 5 of his DVDs for “Sweet Sinner” which is primarily straight porn filmed for “couples” (that is- gays. They focus on the male as much as the female)
Check out some freebie clips on “”. He’s in a multitude of scenes there. Glad to see him in gay porn.
Mike, you’re right that Rocco Reed has starred in many of my films at Sweet Sinner and now at Hard Candy Films (my new studio.) I’m currently about to shoot my first gay feature for my new studio (Rock Candy Films) and if Rocco wasn’t under contract to he’d be starring in it. Rocco is courageous to be true to himself despite the climate of fear and hostility toward gay and/or bisexual men in straight porn. I can’t speak for other female performers, but I would personally perform with him again in a heartbeat and may do just that. And you’re right, my “couples” films do focus just as much on the male as the female performers, because I don’t get why even straight couples would want to cut men out of the equation. Sex is between two people, not between a woman and a “headless torso with a cock.” Anyway, Team Rocco forever (no matter what team he’s playing for)! :-)
I don’t understand… did he really come out or he just started doing gay porn (as a G4P)? Because the press release says nothing on his sexuality.
WHAT?! I thought this guy was engaged to one of the biggest Asian lady porn money-makers, Asa Akira
Asa Akira and Rocco Reed are engaged.
AND he used to “currently” star, write and direct for Penthouse. This IS a shocker.
I would have accused you of photoshopping here.
Isn’t that exactly what George Michael did? He was about to marry this Asian chic and then out the closet he cums. I am BUMMED. Dammit! I loved watching this guy he was so hot and was so into the chicks not just on a physical level but in his eyes, in his face. Man…..I wish it was Rocco Siffredi, he is a tool and a half. Rocco Reed is too hot. But wait, that is usually who is gay. Dammit. I am going to Chick-Fil-A for some ice dream and waffle fries. This blows.
Good for him for coming out. :P
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IIIIIIIIIII KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re-read. He’s not gay.
Thats gross! I mean the chick. No, the one behind the camera.