Simon Dexter is NOT pleased with The Sword’s coverage of his bromantic living situation with fellow straight gay porn star Benjamin Godfre, and took to Twitter to clarify—quite defensively!—that he and Benjamin have already BEEN LIVING TOGETHER for five months. Well then. He also decided to lash out against this blog using some potentially harsh language. Is it OK for a straight man to use the term “queen” while referring (pejoratively) to a gay man? Is it ironic for Simon Dexter to be calling someone else desperate?
LOL. We’ve seen this movie before. People who just fuck on camera and think they’re “porn stars” and should be worshipped! This guy needs thinks so much of himself just because his hole was used as a cum factory playing sloppy “Simon Says”.
Aw men, I admire Simon Dexter aka Harley on Sean Cody. But the Amazon Wish List, his drama rant about his working experience with Dylan Rosser, and now this paints a picture that turns me off quite a bit. But I guess that kind of drama does get you some attention in the porn media world.
I don’t know if Benjamin’s ass tastes good but I’m sure that Simon does.
Man, I keep clicking on this damn website to read these threads about these “gay porn stars”.
I think I have hit rock bottom in my pathetic life and will go and kill myself now.
don’t make a mess
Any fan of Sean Cody knows that Simon Dexter is a legend there. He fucked with the best of them and got fucked by some pretty big dingalings. Either way, I wish he would come back. Nothing he has done since his departure has been worthwhile. Unless you count those Men’s Health magazines.
Oh, and yeah, the hooking.
…he is kind of right. It has to be an awfully slow news day for THIS to make ‘the news’. As someone else said in their replies …. I really don’t know either of them, especially Dexter. I believe the other guy did a film for Falcon recently. Much ado about nobodies …..
It’s not that it’s really newsworthy or not, it’s all about generating hits and comments. In this case, successfully so.
PS Calm down gurl
Lol. “Queens” I saw that guy take huge dicks in his ass, he’s gayer than Elton John knitting a boa. It’s not a blow job it’s a bro-job….
Lol @ him queening out, having a fit
Simon Dexter is an undocumented illegal alien. Thus the reason why he can’t get a real job. His Polish Parents overstayed their visa and inadvertently put him through this misery. He also fucked up in chi-town when he was caught with cocaine where he plead guilty got probation, but screwed up any chances of getting pathway to citizenship because of his felony conviction. He still hooks on the side and sells weed and cons people out of money. Eventually his looks will fade and he’ll have a tranny photographer to fall back on.
I remember…he’s one of these guys who LONG AGO started the ‘Amazon Wish List’ porn/hooker craze. The Buy Non-Sexual.
Sad news…So this hooker is a poor fucked up queen.
Love how Zach is once again trying to serve HRO “realness.” LOL.
This is yet another example of bad writing. Zack, I realize you’re just a blogger, but you should be showing some signs of improvement. There has to be context or some form of background in your bloe entries. In this one, you make the mistake of assuming everyone reading knows who Simon Dexter is. Yes, we are all porn fans. But he is not nearly a big enough name not to provide some of his work history. Most probably saw this and thought – “Who the fuck is simon dexter? Is he the hot guy on The Mentalist?”
“Bloe” entries made me laugh out really loud for some reason.
Who the fuck are these two?
A has been and a never was.
haha, exaaaaaaaaaactly……
I can’t wait for ‘Desperate Queens’ It will replace Dexy’s two half-hour faves ‘Irrelevant Male Models’ & ‘Has-Been Hookers’ Sean Cody revealed his true strength…he can ride cock like a champ.
I think it’s ironic that he’s still keeping track of a gay blog especially after claiming he’s straight.
Congratulations Zach, someone read your tips on how to get blogged about at The Sword :)
lol so true
here we have a batshit crazy “straight” gay porn star dating another gay porn star having a twitter meltdown
Epic? I didn’t know he was still relevant after SC.
I love this stuff.
He barely gets publicity you would think any would be good.
of course, simon is dating a pre-op tranny, so he is allowed.
Didn’t you get the memo? We’re not allowed to call them “trannies” anymore.
So I say they (or, in this instance, the “straight” men that fuck them) aren’t allowed to call us “queens”. :P
Who’s top? Who’s bottiom?
Is Simon still with tranny hooker Yasmine Pretty? Anyone know if Simon Dexter himself is still hooking?
Is he still friends with Jason Andrews? You know the guy who murdered the tattoo artist from Florida with his skanky girlfriend?
My mom knew the skanky girlfriend. Mom lives in the next town over from her hometown.
Yes, it is alright for them to use it. We certainly do! Mind you, he clarifies they are living together. Not that they are not fucking each other……….hmmmm.
It’s sweet that they tweet each other when they also live together
Is living together a synonym of fucking?
And does it mean thatwe can remove the b in the bromance now?
No but putting it in caps leaves you with that impression more than the words actually do
If the word “queen” is used in that way I embrace it and own it :D
I think he’s taken enough dicks up the ass to be allowed to use the word.