He builds websites, makes workout videos, blogs about what he had for lunch, spouts new-agey crap about loving yourself, draws, “does gymnastics,” likes microwaved chicken nuggets, writes shit like, “I invite you to join in the adventure of self-discovery and exploration unfolding in these pages.” And he probably doesn’t drink.
On the plus side, he dislikes shirts–and he’s admittedly hot, if you’re into that sort of thing. He has a cute dog. He is open to parody. And he is, in all honesty, too much of a simple, The Secret-reading, gym-obsessed faglet to deserve the full breadth of our mean-girl wrath. Besides that, one doesn’t need to stretch the imagination to picture the “Mean People Suck” bumper sticker on his car, and we’d rather he suck us off someday than tell us we suck.
So, just for today, we at The Sword are going to give Davey Wavey a pass and give our whole-hearted endorsement to his latest YouTube video, “Penises Are Beautiful.” It is a music video, and it is, in fact, kind of funny. And we would like to lick his chest. The end.
Sites We Love: House of Vader (NSFW)
Pierre Fitch: “Reading Makes Me Dizzy”
Sites We Love: Gingerhead Man
Break the Illusion (Davey Wavey’s Blog)
Laugh. Out. Loud.