Sites We Love: is a “by us / for us” online support group for users and abusers of crystal. The site offers help on managing meth addiction, advising readers to maybe just use on weekends, or at least to drink lots of water when you’re high. Yeah, and maybe consider food and sleep every once in a while!

We appreciate the site mostly for its deranged humor and user-created content. In an article called “What Guys Do On Speed,” Tweaker lists the three main methy activities. “Clubbing,” “Party and Play,” and our personal favorite, “Good Housekeeping.” That’s right. If you’re not dancing or fucking while high on the crystal, then you’re probably vacuuming. But be careful: the site warns its readers that the toxic fumes from chemical cleaners “can be dangerous if inhaled.” Um, after ingesting a drug that you make by mixing battery acid and Drain-O, isn’t it a little late to worry about the effects of cleaning supplies?

As for the user-created content, it doesn’t get any better than the series, “You know the party’s over when…” Our favorites: “You know the party’s over when the tree people are knocking at the door.” And: “The party is over when all the cock shots I post on a hook-up site are blurry because my hands are always shaking.”

But the section telling readers how to safely inject (“slam”) crystal is maybe a bit too happy-go-lucky. “Backload only if you’re really in a hurry…Put the dope directly in the barrel of the point, add water and shake-shake-shake… voila!” Voila? Are we talking about crystal or casserole here? While they’re maybe having a little too much fun talking about a not-so-fun subject, we do see the merits in educating guys who are going to be shooting up anyway. We’re just glad to be visiting the site (at least this week) only as spectators.



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