The whole point of doing the Out 100 every year is to be able to throw a star-studded party with all the celebrities “honored” in the issue, and last night was no exception! On the left, Broadway actor Wesley Taylor and Jake Shears (wearing something that I wish was much tighter). On the right, an abused animal (unless that’s a birthmark) and comedian Drew Droege. Good to know we’re “over” the whole Target debacle now; I can never keep track of where I’m supposed to direct my moral outrage.
I am so tired of gay people attempting to boycott everything that they presume is “anti-gay”.
If Target said “here is $xxx to your campaign, fuck the fags.” then I would get a boycott.
We need to realize that we are a small percentage of the country, and that we can not expect the majority to give in to our every desire, which will only last a few weeks at most.
Given we do not have same of the rights many people have in other countries, at least our government isn’t trying to have us all killed.
We definitely need to continue to work to have more rights and a a greater equality, but we really need to appreciate what we have.
Time heals all (developing cancerous) wounds.
I agree, that is animal abuse just having to look at Drew Droege.