The twist this year is that Duncan Black drops out of the competition to run away with me.
Matthew Rush is back as host for the third time. And I’m not sure what the tug of war is about (is less “Survivor” or gay porn?), but I’d watch Duncan Black run a potato sack race, which will actually probably happen by the end of the season. It starts this week on Dominic Ford.
This looks great!
Congrats Dominic Ford.
The entire SYTYCF frustrates me.
The concept has so much potential to be entertaining, and yet it has been executed so poorly every single time.
maybe i’m alone here but this trailer makes me want to see what is going to happen and if you think about it, the trailer is 2 minutes of a 9 week season so i would assume there is a lot more to come.
the pictures look great and the quality of the trailer looks amazing – definitely improved since the 1st season.
i’m excited for something different.
6 muscled bodies and Matthew Rush as the cherry on top =). Yummy.
You are all such bitches. I think this looks like the most fun thing I’ve seen in porn in a LONG time. I love the slow motion. What do you people want, 2 guys on a couch fucking for the rest of your life? Here is a company being innovative (as Ford always does) and doing something new and different. This is more than porn, it’s a full on show. We should appreciate that instead of being grouchy queens. Grow up, guys. Can’t wait to watch it.
totally unappealing and not erotic nor sexy, stupid trailer indeed, i’m only interested in topehr adn his boyfriend and yes perhaps duncan black as a bottom, the music though was not that bad, the guy does have talent and should aspire more than this awful thing. But i hate this military stuff kind of porn….so pathetic
Whoever put out this horrible quality video editing should be fired! Look at the blurry shots, the boring slow motion, horrible music, bad title treatments etc… I know this DominicFord isn’t a big studio but come on it doesn’t take a million dollars to put together a decent trailer! Embarrassing.
Yawn! Wake me up when its over!
Sorry ……DOY. The preview just told me. Mitch Vaughn. Who’s he ???
Huh …. there was a season two already ?? I know Topher eyebrow guy won one. Who won the other ??
I hate fake fucking. Just like “reality tv” has too much fake acting. Gay porn was great when it was just real intense fucking instead of this goofy stuff.