After Twitter scolded me for hating on Ajaxx63, Gabriel Goldberg, the photographer behind Aden Jaric’s hottt photo shoot, left a comment summing up the case against me pretty well:
I guess what’s hard to swallow with this post is here are a couple of gay men who created a gay-owned and operated company–who hired a gay photographer and gay model to sell their wares to the gay community … and you’re slamming them. Harshly. I love me some freedom of speech. And I’m all for the right to express ones’ opinion. But in this day and age, don’t we as gay people–who literally just got the door slammed in our equal-rights-desiring faces– have bigger enemies to battle? Shouldn’t we save our fighting words for them?
Part of the reason I was so harsh is that I’m too skinny to pull off Ajaxx63 clothing. (There’s also the evocations of tribal house music, flag-dancing and K holes.) But here’s what I didn’t know when I wrote that little diddy on Aden’s photo shoot: that the owners of Ajaxx63 have apparently impressed everyone they’ve met; that they write this extremely readable blog and that they invented the famous Pitcher and Catcher shirts that I once wore myself as a repeat victim of statutory rape in the very early days of my adolescent slutdom. For that reason alone I can’t help but salute Ajaxx63.
Not to mention that their ad campaigns are welcome additions to my masturbation fodder. Here are some images from past campaigns (you probably recognize the first model as former big studio porn star and current bareback performer Nelson Troy.)
[NSFW] Breaching Leather Protocol With Aden Jaric
Update: BUTT Magazine Hates Me Now
Beloved Porn Stars Model Behated Clothes
You’re absolutely right, Gavin.
Yay for the 1st Amendment.
“But in this day and age, don’t we as gay people–who literally just got the door slammed in our equal-rights-desiring faces– have bigger enemies to battle? Shouldn’t we save our fighting words for them?”
As if gay people are perfect, never do anything wrong and should be immune from all criticism. As if you don’t also have plenty of “fighting words” for “bigger enemies.” As if there’s nothing virtuous about criticizing “smaller enemies” for small infractions, and Gabriel Goldberg gets to decide who’s “bigger.”
LET’S BE CLEAR. Gayness has absolutely nothing to do with whether a fashion product has quality or worthiness.
It does not matter if the producer is gay or the business is “gay-owned.” NONE OF THAT IS AN EXCUSE TO CREATE SHITTY PRODUCTS OR BAD CREATIVITY.
Good political intentions doesn’t make it a good shirt and nobody should have to shut up about it.
Paul, Gabriel Goldberg did not “sum up” a good case “pretty well.”
He is a dishonest man. He is ideologically opposed to criticism if the subject is gay and unwilling to acknowledge a gay person is capable of anything negative. It’s a fascist mindset. Gay nationalism. It is false. It is deeply, DEEPLY dishonest, irresponsible and immoral to just “look the other way” at those atrocious shirts.
You are right to seek, promote and criticize for quality in all things. Don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re a “gay traitor” for it. You weren’t attacking their sexual orientation!
Paul, baby, you gotta stop mouthing off and then asking for forgiveness… fearless journalism– say it! mean it! stand by it!
Besides you were right the first time. Old English Font, Flourishes, Skulls, distressed tees.. about 3-4 years late to market —OVER! I turned all these tees back into dust rags a while ago, I dont even think consignment shops will take them anymore. …they should have been doing this instead of cranking out A&F University Stencil knock offs! I’d rather wear a dog turd.
BUT Aden Jaric!!?? —YOU have never looked better!
i really hate the line of reasoning used here to say we as gays can not dislike or speak truth to things that are done by other gays…
the clothes are ugly, the porn stars/models wearing them are hot. end of story.
so these clothes only look good on porn stars and when they’re ripped to shreds…duly noted.
@ Paul:
re: “I’m too skinny to pull off Ajaxx63 clothing.” You and me both, mister. :)
I think the Jariks are STUNNING creatures, but I do have a problem with the concept of “us” backing anything just because it has someone/something to do with being gay. It is true we do need to back as much as we can to get the equality we deserve, but just because a business is owned/run by/patronized by/etc gay people does not mean it is a good company. Would they have backed a restaurant owned by Jeffery Dahmer? He’s was gay. The way their case was presented, they would have partonized it BECAUSE it was gay owned. Of course that is an extreme case, but they did say we should back gay companies, and did not distinguish between them. I am sure this is a great company they speak of, but one has to be careful how they talk about backing things that way. I agree the shirts are UGLY (U-G-L-Y) and would not buy from them because if this is what they want to show as being their product, they would not get my business, no matter the sexual orientation of the owners.
I’m going to have to throw my support behind The Sword (innuendo a-go-go already) on this one and think the original story needs to be kept in the context under which it was written….
Aiden Jaric, aside from his now official induction into my Gilded (so it’s easy to clean) Masturbatory Hall of Fame, is HOT! I’m fairly confident that Mr Jaric could wear pretty much ANYTHING (old dish cloths, a Hazmat suit, the flesh of his enemies) and achieve the same effect.
Whilst kudos should be awarded to Ajax63 clothing for being a gay-owned, homocentric clothing line who make a point of hiring gay photographers, gay models, gay floor sweepers Etc it’s not *exactly* clothing for the minority masses. Those possessing a physique like Mr Jaric (‘scuse me – just need to mop up here for a second) can easily pull it off. Someone like me, however, would probably look like…well….a c*nt or “c*nty” in the words of my other Wank-Bank Hall of Fame member, Mr David “Slick it Up” Mason – love ya, Big D x
Had The Sword called out those responsible for Ajax63’s line and demanded they be stripped of their human rights, flogged through D.C and burned at the steak, a statement such as…
“But in this day and age, don’t we as gay people–who literally just got the door slammed in our equal-rights-desiring faces– have bigger enemies to battle? Shouldn’t we save our fighting words for them?”
…May have been warranted. As it was, The Sword is only guilty of that most dangerous of pursuits: touching on a subject kinda close to the truth!
Thank you…I have been really trying hard not to say anything….but glad you did a rebuttal.-Bill ajaxx63
…they’re still ugly clothes.