So, I’m in Chicago. The Grabbys are in a few hours. And it’s time for me to dutifully upload the documentation I have of last night, which included a Grabbys pre-party underwear auction thing hosted by Christian Owen and Sister Roma of Hot House, benefiting Chicago House.
First there was a Sword dinner with some porn stars and industry folk at which Boomer Banks flirted with me, Adam Killian ate carbs, Dmitry Dickov drank Merlot, Brian Bonds ate carbs, and I made sure everyone had seen, or was soon going to watch, Where the Wild Twinks Are, to understand my outrage over the film’s snub.
By then I was drunk and headed to Boystown with mr. Pam, for the Hot House party at the Lucky Horseshoe, and watched as at least 10 eager fans paid $10 to suck a Fireball shot out of Ryan Rose’s ass (it was really just a body shot, but some of those fans really got right up in there), and then fans did the same with Jimmy Durano’s ass, even though both of them have that canyon down the center of their abs that would also serve as a fine luge for alcohol, but I digress.
Then one drunk fan paid $200 for Jimmy Durano’s underwear, and then things get a little blurry.
Oh and Brian Bonds got naked on stage and someone bought his underwear too. And Dakota Wolfe too. And some other stars. It was really crowded.

… to be continued…
And look for Grabbys live coverage @theswordcom.
Liked the pics of the fans eating out the porn stars butts the best. Thanks for sharing.
Typos galore. Sorry. Just got home and it’s F’n late lol
Jimmy’s cute. Who knew Ryan was such a freak? Letting random audience members eat his ass. Hot.
Mr. Pam looks awfully sweaty and unappealing. She gets away with it because she’s a woman, but I’ll say it….she looks a fat sweaty cow. I don’t see how guys can perform with her watching and filming them. When I saw her I immediately thought of Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds, but Garcia loos way better and is more put together than the sloppy Mr. Pam.
Does anyone know if Jimmy Durano escorts? Thanks guys
Gee….does EVERYONE in gay porn have a butterface or what?
This article and photos are a joke right? THESE are today’s porn stars? Seriously messed up faces
Goddamn jimmy ass
I’m sure Ryan Rose will look back so fondly at this moment when he’s older.
I would love to eat Jimmy’s ass.Damn
Chile.Boo @ Marco Milan’s gorilla looking face.Adam looks like he received botox injections,right before this event.UGH
Is Christian Owen a woman in male drag?? And I love the shots of Adam Killian, he looks embalmed!
I am glad to see Mr. Pam alive and well outside the hospital being her smiley self. The party looks great in a naughty fun kind of way.
WOW!!! -Now that’s what my life is supposed to look like!
Christian Owen buzz n boner killer.
Seriously though, he looks like a blonde Roseanne Barr.
Men with Botox look weird…
lol the camera caught Jimmy Durano in a major “derp” moment! And man his boyfriend looks creepy in these pics. Blonde is not a good look for you Christian.
And whoever took those pics of Adam and his boyfriend Marco needs to get a real camera, or a better one, or needs lessons on how to take pics. These pics don’t do them any justice!