Timothée Chalamet, Call Me By Your Name

Someone Did A Study To Find Out If People Were Actually Turned On By The ‘Call Me By Your Name’ Peach Scene

We’re sure you remember the peach scene from 2017’s Call Me By Your Name that had twink actor Timothée Chalamet jerking off into a piece of fruit and alleged cannibal Armie Hammer famously not eating it like his character from the book did. While that movie may not be one of my queer favorite films of all time (seriously though – it’s not that great), there’s no denying that that scene is pretty iconic. (It would have been a lot more iconic if Armie actually ate the peach, but that’s a rant for a different day.)

Well, if you’re like me and found that scene to be pretty steamy and wanted to know how many other people pitched a tent watching Tim Thee Chalamet add some of his own cream to that peach, then you’re in luck! FandomSpot just conducted a survey to find out which scenes from the big and small screen are the “steamiest” and this CYMBYN scene ranked pretty high on its final list.

Timothee Chalamet naked

The study was conducted by monitoring the heart rates of 100 participants while they watched 50 different sex scenes. The peach scene ultimately landed in fourth place on the list of hottest scenes with 29% of participants experiencing heightened heart rates while watching Timothée breed a piece of produce.

Unsurprisingly, most of the top 10 “hottest scenes in modern movie and TV history” feature heterosexual pairings with this peach scene being one of only two queer sex scenes on the list. The other gay scene on the list belonged to a woman-on-woman scene from Netflix’s Orange Is The New Black.

The study consisted of 100 people from a “range of backgrounds, locations, gender, sexual orientations, and ages”, so while we don’t know exactly how many of the 100 participants in the study were gay men or at least people who were sexually attracted to men, we at least know that 29% of them got heated at the sight of Timmy fuckin’ some fruit.

Gay movies

Take a look at the full list of the horniest scenes below and be sure to let us know what you think down in the comments. Did you get off to the iconic peach scene? Are you surprised by its placement on this list? What is your favorite sex scene of all time? Sound off in the comments below and if you’re looking to watch the hottest moments from Call Me By Your Name, then head here.

  1. Final sex scene, Normal People – 38%
  2. Pottery scene, Ghost – 35%
  3. The bed breaking scene, Jessica Jones – 32%
  4. Peach scene, Call Me By Your Name – 29%
  5. Alex and Piper first shower scene,  Orange Is The New Black – 27%
  6. The post-fight rough sex scene, Mr & Mrs Smith – 27%
  7. Dr. Izzie asking Dr. Karev to take his pants off before hooking up, Grey’s Anatomy – 25%
  8. Jonathan Pine bearing his bottom while getting intimate with Jemima “Jed” Marshall, The Night Manager – 25%
  9. Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo – 23%
  10. Noah and Allie undressing each other before getting intimate for the second time, The Notebook – 20%


4 thoughts on “Someone Did A Study To Find Out If People Were Actually Turned On By The ‘Call Me By Your Name’ Peach Scene”

  1. What did that peach do to deserve that abuse by that burnt turd? The horniest scene is Oscar Isaac, hands around my throat, having his way with me. If I leave bruised, cut and bleeding with him laying on top of me, that is a perfect night!

      1. I actually think that is hot!!! I actually wouldn’t mind having Armie Hammer tie me up, get off on me and carve his initials in me. I read he likes doing that. Mmmm.

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