“I used to be a stickler for mandatory testing when I first started in the business too. The politics of condom usage and testing aren’t as cut and dry as you’d like to imagine. Most studios don’t require testing because they use condoms. Straight porn requires testing because they don’t use condoms. Some gay companies require testing even when using condoms, which is a bit of a double standard (but also seems reasonable given the job description). Sometimes the language of “testing” is used to reassure straight models scared of having sex with gay men. Porn should provide a sex-positive work environment after all and everyone should feel comfortable, but catering to the (sometimes irrational) fears of certain models at the expense of others can also create an unnecessary layer of contempt.”
—Colby Keller, on the politics of HIV testing and condom usage in the gay porn industry. [via NightCharm]
Love Colby Keller
I would take any disease colby wanted to give me..
The absolute only way to prevent HIV infection is to abstain from sexual encounters with other people.
Personally, I masturbate… a lot. Ya know, cuz I believe in safety.
Does NDS require (or use) condoms when they film their hetero scenes?
Yes, we require condoms for all scenes regardless of if it’s with a girl or guy. We also require testing (which we pay for) for both the guys and girls.
Here we go again, another gay performer is attempting to turn HIV testing into a gay versus straight meme. Why is testing deemed important and is advocated by almost every AIDS organization in the country but not by some gay studios? The answer is very simple. For one thing, these studios do not want to bother with the health of their employees and figure just slapping on a few condoms will solve everything – wrong. Second, testing is opposed by some performers because they know they would be out of work. HIV testing should be the starting point for any major porn studio. Condoms and other safer sex practices are a valid second line of defense, not a replacement as they are “safer” but not totally “safe”.
If you think someone testing negative for HIV is going to protect you from the HIV they’ve contracted in the days since they took their HIV test, you’re in big trouble. The safest way to protect yourself is to use a condom and assume your partner is positive.
Also, do you even know what the word “meme” means?
If I wasn’t sure that niles was Tucker Scott before than I definitely am now. What Colby was saying is EXACTLY the way that NDS convinces the straight boys that their company is the only safe gay company, where they can get paid fuck girls, provide they are eventually willing to film with boys. They then tell them that they will be perfectly safe, since they test AND use condoms for all penetrative sex. All testing is for them is a means of reassuring thier straight boys, who are all they care about, not about doing anything to fight HIV.
They don’t actually give two shits about HIV. A recent “fundraiser” they hosted made less than $1500 for HIV charities which is less than Cody Cummings gets to jerk off. If they really wanted to make a difference they would actually donate real money instead of wasting it on marketing stunts
Alex… you like to throw my name around a lot like the bull shit you dish about Next Door all the time under all your screen names. But the fact is, this again goes to show you have not clue what you are talking about. Niles is in fact, NOT ME. I just heard about this including my name last night while having a wonderful time here in beautiful Montreal all with all the hot boys… you see, I am 100% pure gay and fuckin’ proud of it! …. oppps gotta go, Bonjour!
Yes, testing is important, and every sexually active person should get tested. But they should do this so that they can monitor their *own* health.
Condoms are what you do to help prevent transmission of a whole ton of STDs – and I don’t just mean HIV.
Both are important but only one really matters in this context.
Last I checked, none of the studios were asking for Hep-C tests, even though this is now known to spread sexually.
Reducing safer sex down to one disease is useless. So is reducing HIV down to one sexual orientation.
I oppose disclosure for the same reasons I oppose “sero-sorting.” Some of my best co-stars have been positive and I want them in industry and have no fear of working with them provided condoms are used.
This kind of discrimination is stupid and undermines the very important public health message that condoms are still our most effective means of STD prevention for sexually active, non-monogamous adults.
Super cool story bro…I know old as fuck and used and abused way past its expiration date but it still works!
Yeah..I was talking about the meme but it can also apply to some studio’s policy about its straight models and lame marketing.
1. Testing in life and testing mandated by your employer are not the same thing. One is an individual choice that lends to self-education and better health practices. The other spreads implicit misinformation and violates medical privacy (with definite legal questions that have yet to be taken seriously by the studios mandating the tests) for no real reason. Your confusion of these two doesn’t serve anyone.
2. You not-so-subtly reveal that you think HIV-positive performers should not be employed in porn. Testing cannot determine if someone is positive or negative at the time of the shoot, so your idea that positive performers should not be working, based on notions of the test it revealing who has which status is flawed.
3. Condoms are not “a valid second line of defense” – Condoms are the only “defense” when two people are having sex.
4. When used properly, condoms are nearly 100% effective. It is the improper use which makes them less effective. Every porn studio can easily instruct performers on proper use.
Your statements present nothing worthwhile. Thanks.
Conner Habib
Colby’s willingness to speak in something other than cliches and soundbites gives me flutters in my heart.
My love/lust for this guy increased by 100.