the only man he’s ever bedded, to the man who’s blowing a groomsman in the bathroom.
Summer Cooldown: Six (Gay-ish) Bands That Don’t Suck Balls
Have the Faggiest Memorial Day BBQ on the Block With Our Gay-Ass Mixtape
the only man he’s ever bedded, to the man who’s blowing a groomsman in the bathroom.
Summer Cooldown: Six (Gay-ish) Bands That Don’t Suck Balls
Have the Faggiest Memorial Day BBQ on the Block With Our Gay-Ass Mixtape
LISTEN UP, FAGGOT!: DJ Earworm’s United States of Pop
If You Thought Your Taste In Music Was Gay, You’ve Never Been To Australia
LISTEN UP FAGGOT!: Arthur Russell Resurrected
…awesome. totally awesome.
Hey! Jack! Did you even listen to the mixtape?! We were trying to show our support with a selection of sincere, well-chosen, marriage-inspired musical selections!
And actually, all the ‘defining moments’ you mention are right up there with this one, we’re just trying to show a little healthy reserve on this subject because a) we have no desire to be immediately married ourselves, and b) we think gay culture, such as it, or was, may have been better off remaining marginalized, non-conformist, and more than a little bit dirty!
Though perhaps a few of those proud queens who threw beer bottles at the cops outside the Stonewall Inn in 1969 may have aspired to a picket fence and a housecoat, we’d venture to guess that most of them just wanted to be left in peace to drink, flirt, and exist without being harassed or looked down upon. We have not, as a minority, even achieved those simple things in the most places in this country, so forgive us if we still have a few priorities besides marriage licenses and baby bjorns. Should everyone who wants those things have the right to get them? Yes. Should the rest of us have to raise this to the top of our priorities too? No.
I think perhaps the author’s view is skewed. Gay marriage is the new defining moment in gay life, but it’s not the definite moment in gay life. It’s just another one in a long line of moments that will certainly pass. It started with Stonewall, which the author, while constantly dissing marriage never mentions (nor does he mention what HE thinks the defining moment of gay life is…probably when Johnny Castle bottoms). The media announcing Rock Hudson having AIDS was another, the Supreme Court overturning the sodomy law was yet another. Gay marriage will also pass, probably when “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is done away with and gays are allowed to openly serve in the military. Then the draft will come back and the author of this piece can utilize his bitter energy by dodging bullets in Iran. There’s a defining moment in gay life for you.