Sorry, ‘Details,’ But Until You Write About How To Fit Two Cocks In Your Mouth, You Can Not Use the Word ‘Fag’

Ironically, it was only the other day that some friends and I were talking about douchefags over a mimosa brunch. We decided that what made someone a douchefag included things like a mimosa brunch. But the word douchefag carries a surprising sting when coming from a magazine that refers to gay people only through half-witted innuendo and curious eyebrow-raises.

My personal rule about the word “fag” is that you can use it if you’ve ever tried to stick a tongue up the slit of a man’s urethra. Publish that article, Details, and then we can talk.

Queerty notes that Details has heeded the douchefag backlash and changed the title of its online article (below, left) to “Gay Douchebags,” but it was too late to change the name of its print edition (below, right). As for what it takes to make you a Douchefag, Details suggests actions like, um, “posting pantsless pictures on Manhunt.” Oh, funny. Maybe stick to the manboob roundups, Details, you faggots.


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0 thoughts on “Sorry, ‘Details,’ But Until You Write About How To Fit Two Cocks In Your Mouth, You Can Not Use the Word ‘Fag’”

  1. Honestly, the list was boring. I’d rather waste my time making fun of straight people. I mean, what’s worse, being a douchefag that has mimosa brunch or being a straight douchebag that eats at the Olive Garden? Or that writes for Details (hello, 1999)?

  2. Whether I’m offended by the word “fag” depends entirely on the intent of the user, his track record and the context.

    Straight people who use “fag” with its originally intended purpose to deride, belittle and disrespect any and all homosexuals at once offend me. It means that homosexuality itself is unworthy. I think they should not use the word because it’s false and disrespectful. Details would never lead with “Douchenigger” or “Douchekyke” in their headline, but it’s still perfectly acceptable to disparage all gays at once.

    So DETAILS can choke on my dick.

    Here are a few words of wisdom about these kinds of words from George Carlin and Richard Pryor.

    Unlike Pryor’s later stance, I still think it’s okay for a member of the disparaged minority itself to use the word however they want to.

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