As if Chi Chi LaRue’s studio wasn’t in enough hot water this week after announcing the release of Criminal Cocks (a compilation DVD featuring gay porn stars convicted of rape and murder), a quick glance at Channel 1 Releasing’s other titles reveals even more controversial content. If you thought exploiting convicted murderers was crossing the line, how about exploiting African-American gay porn stars’ favorite foods?
Soulful Food features black gay porn stars eating caramel sauce, whipped cream, and Hershey’s Kisses out of each other’s assholes.
Has Chi Chi LaRue finally gone too far?
Erm guys, is Zach just being ironic with these posts?
Thank you! Even I’m getting this and I’m like real slow on the uptake!
I have to agree, the ongoing C1R bash has gotten tiresome. As for this particular movie, it’s not like there is a chicken leg sticking out of anyone’s hole. Although if there were, would that eliminated the need for lube later?! Anyway, please give this vendetta a nice long rest.
Yes, that would be hot. Fucked by a fried chicken leg.
Oh, man…”it’s not like there is a chicken leg sticking out of anyone’s hole.” Damn, I laughed out loud at this. Thank you.
The Sword is the pot calling the kettle black. Go Chi Chi!! What stars of color is the Sword covering lately? (zero) Did the Sword think it was worth mentioning the NAME of any of the black stars in the video.(no) Chi Chi likes black men, duh. That’s not racism, that’s just sexy. You (porn industry insiders) are all a bunch of crackers.
It has always been that way my dear, and will always will be, just like the need for two or three different Gay Pride events in every major city! When was the last household name Black Gay pornstar in the last few years besides Eddie Diaz, Matthew Rush, Race Cooper, and Marc Williams that made numerous big name studio appereances????
Is Chi Chi La Rue still making porn? The focus on rereleasing old materials says not. Moving on!
The Sword has finally gone too far.
You know, as a longtime fan of the blog and all its tongue-in-cheek humor and anti-politicking, even I have to say–enough.
fuck, Zach is so stupid. Who the fuck picked him to replace the old editor for this blog?
Gay porn has never been ethnic-friendly, lbr.
Looks hot to me!
He/she still makes porn?
…. why didn’t they call it Black Sundae ????