Tiny Pretty Things is a dramatic series that spins around the world of elite dancing. Drama, dancing, and hot men – oh my! This series takes place at a ballet academy in Chicago where these fit ballerinas and ballerinos hook up and unload some serious drama. We got that all here for you to see!
Do you want to see sexy men flaunt their Tiny Pretty Things? Then you are indeed in luck! Baron Cowperthwaite plays Oren who shows off his ass in multiple scenes, including a straight hookup with his girlfriend. When he isn’t banging his babe on a dance floor or in a dorm room, he is chilling naked in a sauna.
Other sauna sexpots include Michael Rosen and Brennan Clost who both enjoy a steam. You can enjoy a cream when you see Michael’s bare naked booty when he walks into the sauna and Damon J. Gillespie will have you dancing in your pants when you see his ass. There is no doubt about it, these hot young men are such pretty things!
For even more sexy men, check out Brennan Clost when he hooks up with Josh Pyman in a steamy gay scene. They both show their buns when they bang on a mattress on the floor.