“I have one rigged at home, we have one at the studio
and I have one that lives in my suitcase 24/7, with a wrench of course.
Travel 101, buy a vice grip wrench. Budget hotels will caulk the shower
nozzle in place so you really need a good grip to get it off to attach
your hose. Luxury hotels sometimes have deluxe shower nozzles and then
your doomed to use over the counter enemas which are not nearly as
This calls to mind Michael Lucas’s top-down screed a few years back,
where he called on prospective bottoms to “acknowledge the big brown
elephant that just squatted in the room”
I often wonder why we, as gay men, don’t douche more
often? … I often find myself explaining the process to people who
should be well versed in the art of cleansing. More importantly, I
think it’s just bad etiquette to say: “fuck me!” and not be ready for
it. How many times have you heard this: “Oops, so sorry.” Sorry my ass!
Learn how to douche!
Thankfully, the bathrooms at the Sword smell like roses. Maybe it’s time the boys take on dingleberries!
Steve Cruz Shows Us His Porn Stash
Ask Steve Cruz (SteveCruzXXX.com)
Michael Lucas on Hygiene (LucasBlog.com, NSFW)