Straight porn blogger and shit-stirrer Mike South published a “guest editorial” today that is basically a vicious screed against homosexuality. And it’s inspired by Treasure Island’s recent poz-cum-fetishizing work Viral Loads.
Remember it’s that movie where Blue Bailey is the bottom in a 20-man gang-bang and they whip out a turkey baster and a jar labeled “poz cum” that Paul Morris claims is “full of more than 200 poz loads”? And Morris subsequently claimed that men are banging down the doors of Treasure Island to be the “recipient[s] of gallons of semen”?
Well, anyway, if all of that were indeed true, and Morris weren’t just trying to sell more porn, then sure, that’s reason for some disgust from all sides. (And, as we know, Bailey is openly HIV positive, and who knows what was in that jar.)
But now a homophobic asshole named Michael Payne who Mike South refers to just as a “company owner” takes this is as a cue to denigrate all gay people, because obviously the pervs who do scenes for Treasure Island Media represent us all.
And South, for his part, distances himself only by saying, “I always welcome well written viewpoints even if they differ from mine.”
Here’s a choice quote, from this Payne guy, who by the way seems to believe that Blue Bailey got plowed 200 times in one day. Guess he didn’t read the copy that carefully.
Let’s put this into perspective: More than 200 men, most of them HIV positive, engage in unprotected gay sex on film, exchange bodily fluids and transmit HIV in front of the rolling camera. If this incident does not disturb you, then stop reading this article and go do something else, but if it does disturb you, then consider this: What these men are doing is a hazardous and outrageous exercise of the 21st century gay revolution. They not only see themselves entitled to the right to knowingly and willingly expose and inflict one another with HIV and spread the disease, but also they want to have the right to get married, adopt children, expose the children to HIV and encourage them to spread the disease from one generation to the next, and on top of all that, they want you and I to accept and respect them for who they are and what they do, and they have legions of attorneys, lobbyists, organizations, unions and watchdog groups that obsessively and compulsively control, manipulate and censor the media using Nazi Gestapo methods and make sure that no private comment and vague reference won’t go unnoticed and unpunished. Gay people have the right to spread HIV in front of the rolling camera, and if their behavior disturbs and terrifies you, then you’re a villainous bigot who deserves the harshest retribution.
Since the first American gay couple legally married in the state of Massachusetts on May 17, 2004, the corporate media and rotten to the core politicians have embraced the gay agenda and are fully supporting and promoting homosexuality. Just take a look at the list of TV series that have been aired since the turn of the century, almost all of them include gay characters, here are a few examples:
How I Met Your Mother, Glee, The L World, Looking, House M.D., Grey’s Anatomy Revenge, Heroes, Six Feet Under, True Blood.
The corporate media tirelessly campaigns to turn homosexuality into an acceptable social norm by blending favorable gay characters in popular books, movies, TV series and video games, and judging by the shift in public opinion, they have been successful.
The purpose of this article is to inform people, not to judge homosexuality, I don’t see myself in a position to pass judgment of any kind, but I believe that people of all races, genders and sexual orientations must be aware of potential dangers and consequences of their choices and their lifestyle, that society must be educated about the medical hazards of homosexuality, and this practice must be kept personal and private, not promoted, glorified and introduced to children.
Promoting and rewarding homosexuality draws more people, especially the young and the impressionable, towards this practice, and as a result, HIV epidemic will continue to spread exponentially.
OMG. Thank you, Mike South for giving this ignorant shitbag a platform, and for expressing views of gay people and ideas about HIV that belong in 1986, not 2014. This a buddy of yours? This your idea of “well written”?
Fuck you.
Update: Mike South has responded in the comments. His distancing himself from this guest editorial still doesn’t excuse the above. Shall we call a meeting of the Homosexual Agenda Caucus and decide how this situation should be handled?
For the record I have no issues with homosexuality, I have always supported gay marriage within the confines of the governments role in recognizing it. I dont think that any particular church should have to perform gay marriages if they do not want to but I do think that if the government confers rights to people who are married then any people regardless of gender should have those same rights period.
Finally i am posting here on the sword because you guys have shown me support in the past and I do appreciate it. I am pretty hard core Libertarian so someones sexual preference is of no more concern to me than their eye color is.
So MIKE SOUTH, you believe it’s his right to write about his view that ALL homosexual behaviour is dangerous and immoral because of T.I.M’s porn (yes, it’s vile)?! What? Huh? Really? And what about the mostly vile garbage that is straight porn? Is that a role model for heterosexuality/heterosexual behaviour?! Yuck, I hope not. How shameful.
Wow, What a Idiot!
Firstly Treasure Island Media sells a fantasy that most of those guys are positive and are anonymously having bareback sex, If anything they are safer than most straight porn companies these days, who continue to spread infections between one another with real aids.
The gay porn industry is good when it comes to keeping there house free of sexual “outbreaks”, as Mr. South called it, but if he looks at gay porn’s record he would see that it’s not all that welcoming to pos performers. As soon as Rod Daily was known to have given or have received HIV from his girlfriend, that was the end of his gay porn career, indefinitely.
If he is worried about any set group further spreading the transmission of HIV he need not worry about the gays, worry about all the straight married men who have unprotected sex with who ever they meet in a dark alley. Worry about all the college kids who are encouraged by religious groups to not wear condoms or take birth control because it’s against God.
Obviously Mr. South doesn’t know many gay men outside the porn industry,because most gay men no little to nothing about the inner workings of any porn industry, most gay men have jobs, and families and lives that have nothing to do with fantasy bareback orgy parties. Once again through the ignorance and illogical fallacies of one person, many will believe the bullshit that falls from this man’s mouth.
Sir if you are so interested in what the gay community is about than why don’t you pick up a book or meet some real gay people, instead of throwing us all into a box, based upon a gay porno you watched.
I am an out and proud gay man and I say: TIM is disgusting and unhealthy and deserves condemnation.
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who believe homosexuality is a human trait that people are born with and those who believe homosexuality is a behavior that people choose to engage in. Is it a human trait like left-handedness, or a chosen behavior like vegetarianism?
For people who believe homosexuality is a choice, it would seem illogical to attach equal rights to a behavior. In my opinion, the people who have problems with homosexuality because, for whatever reason, they don’t understand it, and falsely presume it’s a choice.
My question to Mike South, if he’s reading this, is do you think homosexuality is a trait people are born with, or is it chosen behavior? All the problems of this weird editorial come from statements indicating that he thinks it’s a choice. Two examples: “I believe that people of all races, genders and sexual orientations must be aware of potential dangers and consequences OF THEIR CHOICES AND THEIR LIFESTYLE, that society must be educated about the medical hazards of homosexuality” and “Promoting and rewarding homosexuality draws more people, especially the young and the impressionable, towards this practice.”
BUT WAIT Mike South read TheSword and left a comment where he makes it a point to say he supports gay marriage! But it’s preposterous for South to simultaneously support gay marriage as an equal right and think people wake up one day and choose to be gay for awhile.
Notice how the writer reduces this from something defensible to calling it one individual’s opinion, and one which many people sympathize with. However not only does it offer no solutions of any kind, but it also has revealed these people’s confused misunderstanding of human behavior. Now everyone is wondering why they offered it.
Shit stirrer is right, Mike South gets there first, gets it wrong, then moves on.
“…that society must be educated about the medical hazards of homosexuality, and this practice must be kept personal and private, not promoted, glorified and introduced to children.”
Love how this is seen by Mr. South as “well written.” Sounds exactly like the rhetoric used by NOM, Bryan Fischer, the Westboro Church crazies, and President Putin (Russia’s “gay propaganda” laws are all about “protecting” the kids). Guess Mr. South has a low bar for well written or doesn’t mind peddling bullshit.
Since this person is arguing against our equal rights based on what happens in gay porn, then let’s point out all the messy shit over on the straight side. The public STD outbreaks, performers altering syphilis positive test results, not to mention the creation of Porn Wiki Leaks.
Anyone who genuinely thinks that jar was full of 200 poz loads needs to have their head examined. Paul Morris did that stupid video to generate traffic to his flagging company. Fewer men are going to Treasure Island’s website because they are not the only bareback game on the internet. Why go there and see sickly types doing it, when you can go to Lucas, Sean Cody, Corbin Fisher, or Cocksure Men and see it done by attractive “pretty” gays. As for this Payne person, who gives a fat flying rat shit about his opinion? Seriously…who?
“Pretty” gays in SC, CF and COCKSURE MEN, are you on drugs when were they gays?
You know, Jordi…you really are an annoying little shit. And beauty is subjective, asswipe…just because you think someone is not attractive does not mean that what you say is the gospel from on high.
Why are you giving this troll publicity?
I’m rather surprised Treasure Island wasn’t used as an example before by homophobes. It’s hard to convince others that you have a right to marriage, shouldn’t be fired from your work, or serve as a scoutmaster when you have other gays going for their over a hundred plus poz load bareback and trivialize HIV/AIDS.
Actually, posts on Mike South’s gossip site have indeed singled out Treasure Island in the past — the posts are part homophobia (e.g., “and I use that term looser than a Treasure Island Media bottom”), and part South running an overtly AHF/Weinstein-friendly site.
As for South’s thoughts on models in gay porn, bisexuals, and trans persons…
August 29, 2011, South on his own gossip blog:
I am and always have been condom optional….I leave it to the performers. That said would I work in the LA talent pool with no condom? not just no but HELL no, no way…too many escorting females, too many crossover males and testing protocols that would pass an HIV positive person on anti-virals….
October 23rd, 2013, South on the “risky” Christian XXX, who worked in gay porn as Maxx Diesel at the beginning of his career
Is Christian XXX risky business?
It would appear so.
If you look at his clips4sale store it is full of bareback scenes with both trannies and females, Christian pitches and catches. I’m not going to link to it because I don’t wish to promote it. You can find it easily enough searching christiandoesthemall
Now I thought there was a six month rule that prevents performers who do bareback gay scene from working with LATATA models?
He mainly works for New Sensations, Porn Pros and Lethal Hardcore I wonder if they let the models they hire know that he is actively doing bareback scenes
This behavior is so risky that the largest transsexual production companies mandate condom usage in their scenes.
and what’s wrong with calling out diseased shitbags from TIM for what they are?
Wait…there was a mo on Heroes? Who?
Well, Zachary Quinto was gay, but I don’t think his character played gay.
Also he forgot about Brothers & Sisters, on of the 3 brothers was gay (the actor was straight though).
Thats what I’m trying to figure out, unless the guy is confusing the character Sylar with the openly gay Zachary Qinto who plays him
There was a first season subplot that initially strongly implied that Claire’s male BFF was gay and being bullied. The management for the kid playing the role finally called foul on having the kid be played as openly gay as it might hurt his career. I think they briefly gave the kid a GF. In any event, he left during/after the first season to go star as young John Connor in a series based on The Terminator that lasted about 30 seconds. As far as I know, he disappeared in to obscurity after that. No openly gay characters appeared on Heroes to my knowledge, though I kinda checked out on it after the 2nd season. And, yes, I’m a total fucking geek.
Funny he missed the TV series that probably did the most to “normalize” homosexuality with the straight world — Will & Grace. And, did HIMYM have an out gay character, or is he conflating NPH with his character along with Quinto?
Clearly, I need to get laid as I’m watching too much TV.
I take full responsibility for running this. I thought about it for two days and finally decided to do so for several reasons.
I knew it would be controversial, I knew it would piss some people off, even some people I like but I have never ever shied away from controversy.
By well written I mean he stated his case in a readable manner, he didnt advocate violence or imply that homosexuality was associated with criminal sexual behavior.
Mostly It occurred to me that there are lots of people who agree with him and that this deserves to be read because often reading or seeing things that make you mad motivate people to advocate for change, if not black people might still have separate bathrooms here in Atlanta.
I dont agree with him but he does have a right to his opinion and a right to voice it and I will defend that right to my last breath.
Take me to task for running this…Im OK with that really and maybe I deserve it but you cant say I took the easy way out.
and finally Im not dodging anything when I make a post like that I feel it is better to withold my opinion for the most part not because I dont have one but because I want YOU GUYS to discuss it. If I chime in and say thats right or wrong then everyone says my commenters are just my lapdogs. I know and you know that isnt true but when any news format does an opinion piece they usually offer someone to do a counter opinion…that someone wont be the editor in chief or the owner.
For the record I have no issues with homosexuality, I have always supported gay marriage within the confines of the governments role in recognizing it. I dont think that any particular church should have to perform gay marriages if they do not want to but I do think that if the government confers rights to people who are married then any people regardless of gender should have those same rights period.
I actually think straight people like Britney Spears do more to malign the institution of marriage than gay people do.
Finally i am posting here on the sword because you guys have shown me support in the past and I do appreciate it. I am pretty hard core Libertarian so someones sexual preference is of no more concern to me than their eye color is.
That said…Carry on y’all.
Does Michael Payne really work in porn? Must be hard for him to stand on a pedestal and point fingers with his fellow Wingnuts when your CV reads pornographer.
I’m gay and frankly I can’t stand being associated with disgusting trash like the whores from TIM, it’s about time someone called them out
I don’t like TIM either, but to blame an entire group of people because of TIM is flat out bigoted, not to mention just plain stupid. Seriously, read the entire Michael Payne piece again, will you?
Also, don’t you think it’s a bit hypocritical for people like Mike South and Michael Payne to point fingers at anyone else in the porn industry? Like these guys are complete saints? Please. As is nothing bad or shady ever happens in straight porn. lol
As “if” nothing bad or shady ever happens in straight porn. Sorry for the typo.
It is really really funny when a man who belongs to a group of people who, AT A RATE OF 50%, legally destroy their own families so that they can go and start completely new ones with completely new heterosexuals make ridiculous fucking moral judgments on others.
Of course, by ‘funny,’ I mean ‘pathetic.’
Seriously, dude.
Does there exist anything under the sun weaker or more delicate than a heterosexual man’s ego?
You’re a fool. And if ‘manhood’ is to be measured by the likes of you, you can keep it, moron.
You’re not even man enough to be honest about your intentions, you putz.
I think you are a total loser.
Clearly, so do you.
So Mike, you believe it’s his right to write about how he sees all homosexuality as the problem by referring to the madness that is T.I.M porn??! Huh? How so? What about the vile garbage in straight porn? It certainly does not legitimize heterosexuality as something good. You should talk. It’s always the immoral, fragile heterosexual men that cry loudest and start the wars. Shameful.
First of all he’s UGLY and PREHISTORIC even the straight centered Next Door Studio wouldnt hire him. Secondly, What he said should help the gay men to realize in supporting REAL GAY MODELS bcoz what this stupíd straight blogger reflects only what GAY FOR PAYERS have in their mind toward the gay community ex. Cody Cummings, Brian Bronco etc.
Jordi Lim, I really wish you would stop with the “gay for pay” crap. Sexuality is fluid and not black and white. Porn is entertainment and if the persons involved are entertaining, who cares how they identify in their personal lives. If people like you would just shut up and stop thinking we are being taken advantage of, it would be a much better place. If you do not like a porn ‘star’ or a studio then do not support them with your money, otherwise, let the rest of us make our own decisions. Perhaps you should spend some time studying human sexuality instead of continuing with your closed minded opinions of what is and what is not right.
I also wish that you shut up and dont talk to me. I dont care if you have a fetish to gay for pay models, then dream about them ok?
Get a life dude – you’re such a persistent troll that it’s become really sad. Seriously, go outside and do something about all that anger you have inside you. Every time I read another one of your comments I vacillate between cringing and feeling pity. The man-hours you’ve logged making these comments must be staggering.
Hugh And why you have to read and react on my comment? You should the one who get your life. And I pity you too.