Reason #1732768 why you should never put a porn star on live television.
Getting the facts wrong (most gay porn companies do in fact use condoms) is one thing, but then saying that the reason gay porn companies use condoms is because they “take personal information very seriously” and can’t discriminate against gay porn actors with HIV is something else entirely (and also not really true–just ask Mason Wyler). I take “personal information” to mean HIV status, and so the inference he’s making is that gay porn stars wear condoms because they all have HIV, right? That backwards and homophobic way of thinking has been a recurring theme in the straight porn world, and it almost makes me happy that that dumb world has been turned upside down by the admittedly awful Measure B.
James Deen seems nice (and hot), but he should spend more time sticking his dick in pussy and less time sticking his foot in his mouth.
Porn Reduces the Mind! Degrades the Self! Deflates the Spirit! Depreciates Life!
Porn Increases the Heart-rate! Uplifts the Libido! Inflates the Cock! Appreciates Lube!
So here’s the straight dope from someone in the biz. First off, 80% of gay porn stars are Poz. Studios don’t care about status since they use condoms. But condoms do break and accidents do happen. Sometimes in condom shoots if two performers want to use them just for the insertion shots that’s ok, because if two Poz guys fuck raw there’s no risk of sero-conversion. So a lot of condom porn is actually “semi-bareback” although it’s not marketed that way. I think that’s what James Deen meant.
Some bareback companies do in fact test and sero-sort which is actually safer than using a condom between a discordant couple. Treasure Island’s policies have varied over the years depending on who was running production. Generally, they have no problem using a neg top with a Poz bottom, since the risk to the top is fairly low especially if the bottom is on meds and is undetectable.
The whole LA condom thing is meaningless for gay porn. The shoots are small, often two performers a cameraman/director and a bottle of lube in a hotel room. They don’t get permits for those kinds of shoots.
Don’t flame me with BS, that’s just the way it is.
“80% of gay porn stars are Poz” and this is coming from “someone in the biz”…..BAHAHAHAHAHAH, mate you need help as you are obviously deluded….
Not deluded at all. Having worked on many, many sets over the years that’s half of what they talk about. Also, just because these guys use condoms on the set doesn’t mean they don’t bareback in their personal life.
I meant to say he wasn’t uneducated or being ignorant.
He actually NOT wrong. When you factor in all the amateur studios, and there’s a lot that are off the radar, that do bareback shoots, then yeah, the majority are. There is a whole subculture is gay porn that you won’t find on The Naked Sword or AEBN and it’s mostly bareback titles. Even those VOD moguls are filled with them. So James was un educated or being ignorant. I’ve been aware of James for a while and he happens to be a very smart individual.
It’d be interesting to get a response from someone in the gay porn industry. At this point all the comments here are just about as definitive as James Deen’s (which is to say not very). He at least gets the benefit of being IN the porn industry; however removed he may be from gay porn. While the rest of us are just pulling stuff out our asses.
All this shows is James Deen only watches the sleaziest gay porn as his perception is so off.
I’ll bet he’s a Treasure Island Media fan.
I wonder, if some people think Gay4Pay is real, why James Deen doesn’t do gay porn? He’s more SeanCody type than TIM though. He must love these nasty bareback creampies!
My advice..get a career that doesn’t involve fucking for a living..then u’re risk will be 0…End of discussion :-)
What a fucking moron.
So it’s okay to not use them in videos but it isn’t in your personal life?
Fucking moron.
Is he all that wrong?
If a gay porn star finds out he has HIV yeah will he be barred from working at a gay owned gay porn studio?
I get that a gay porn stars finds out he has HIV he won’t be able to work for the more G4P centric websites because they regularly test so their models feel safe. But how sure are we that others cracks down on that if the model’s status hasn’t become public knowledge?
And you can make the case that a lot of big name gay porn studios do use condoms…but then you have
1. Corbin Fisher
2. Sean Cody
3. Treasure Island
And a litany of other small time bareback studios.
To me he’s not that far off the mark. Some studios don’t care about status as long as the model uses condoms. Other studios don’t care about condoms as long as their status is negative and then there’s trash like Treasure Island that doesn’t seem to care much about either.
I guess I must be some straight apologist because I totally see the straight porn stars point. The gay porn industry can’t make up their mind about condoms or testing. The Bi and G4P models slip through the cracks and infect the women who infect the straight male porn stars. I can see why they’re aggravated.
I would have taken the “take personal information very seriously” comment to mean most gay porn studios have a Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy when it comes to HIV status, and what happened to Mason Wyler is more of an aberration hence some people act like he’s the only HIV+ model (outside of obvious ones like Treasure Island Media) when an old The Sword survey said that 30% of them are poz.
Phillip Ashton said this in an old 2010 interview:
Q Has there ever been a question that you would have liked an interviewer to ask and if so what is it?
A This is actually a good question… I dont think there is a question but you know what there is 1 question that would be very interesting and I dont think the answer would be a quick one it would be like a blog post. The question is “How do you feel about the dont ask dont tell and putting poz models with neg models, should the neg models have a right to know what the status of the other model is?” Pretty much it would be about testing and the dont ask dont tell policy there doing for porn now.
Well, mason Wyler is someone whoes hiv status was publically outed, but what about the gay porn stars who’s HIV status is still secret to the public. Erick Rhodes apparently was positive (this knowledge was secret to fans, but not to studios who hired him most likely) and that didn’t seem to effect his career. I don’t think he is saying that all haybporn actors are HIV positive, but instead he is saying that in gay porn SOME of the actors are positive.
When it comes to Erik Rhodes, his case is a bit more unique than Mason. According to his brother, or someone who knows him very well I can’t remember, he only found out he was HIV+ from Randy Blue, which is a condom-only studio who DOES test their models. I think RB has strict rules about positive performers doing duo scenes, hence why Erik only did 2 solo videos.
He returns to Falcon where I’m sure he informs the studio of his status, but instead of losing his contract with them he gets it renewed, and he has been with them to the very end. He’s mentioned many times on his blog that he is fortunate to be working with them and that he remains so loyal to them. I guess now we know why. I guess some studios do not have a problem with it because they believe that the condoms will be enough to prevent the spread of it, but condoms break. I guess that’s a reason why we don’t see as many DP scenes in condom-only gay porn, since the friction against the two condoms can cause one of them to tear.
As a spokesperson on this issue, he should have educated himself regarding condom usage in gay porn. And he should be called out on it by people in the porn industry.
HOWEVER, he did predicate his remarks by saying that he wasn’t in the gay porn aspect, and that someone who was should know.
Kudos to him for the post script regarding condom usage for people in their personal lives.
CNN is really THAT desperate these days?
Hadn’t you heard?