Study Says Happier Monkeys from Better Homes Do Less Cocaine

Researchers are eager to apply this “to the human situation” and suggest that (SNOOZEFLASH!) a “nicer home life” might be the key to less drug use. Monkey-loving science nerd Michael Nader of Wake Forest University Medical School goes so far as to exclaim, “We are talking about just a slightly improved living condition. Imagine what the effect could be with higher quality enrichment, such as interesting activities.”  Imagine!

All we can imagine is that this is all the more reason not to live in New York, where every apartment we can afford is a dingy shoebox and everywhere you go your personal space gets unceremoniously invaded, but we don’t think our SF dealer is sweating it for customers these days. Maybe we should all just move to Montana.

The Sword Guide to Gay Party Drugs: Cocaine

Stressed Cocaine Monkeys Just Like Us (Gawker)
Stress, Larger Home Affect Cocaine Use (UPI)

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