“If being gay is a choice, show us the proof. Choose it. Choose to be gay yourself. Show America how that’s done, Herman, show us how a man can choose to be gay. Suck my dick, Herman. Name the time and the place and I’ll bring my dick and a camera crew and you can suck me off and win the argument.”
Dan Savage feeds the troll that is Herman Cain, who’ll no doubt use this as proof of the horrible leftist homosexual media that’s out to get him. And then he’ll continue on his glorified book tour.
You act as if there is no peer-reviewed, academic debate (among biologists and psychologists) over the issue of whether homosexuality is a choice. There IS a debate and it is not some self-evident, universally agreed position that it is merely natural. Reading the peer-reviewed literature shows this: alot of it is biology (30-45%), but also alot of it is choice (45-50%). Some good experts (in the mainstream and/or top universities in the world!) to read about are from Prof. Simon Levay to Prof. Jeffrey Satinover to Prof. Robert Spitzer.
So yes: there are many people, who have been studying the issue their entire lives,think homosexuality is a choice.
Ugh! You’re throwing Spitzer and Satinover in the mix, both of whom practice “reparative therapy”?? You’re going to pretend that these two should be taken seriously because they are “professors”?? The third guy, Levay performed such a flawed study that he himself has no idea what he proved or disproved about human sexuality. Crawl back to Free Republic, I’m sure you will find a welcome home there.
It’s remarkable how fluid these homophobes think sexuality is. If they sincerely believe they’re capable of being attracted to any gender, and they’re only straight because god told them to be or some nonsense, what are they really? Repressed bisexuals?
The saddest part about this story is that there are actually normal functioning members of society who actually believe him when he says the leftist homosexual media are just out to get him. Not only that there are actually people out there who still believe homosexuality is a choice?
It says much about the GOP that this race baiter somehow is leading in the polls.