My comments, in list form.
1. The creator of these clips, Ryan James Yezak, is a talented director and editor, but that doesn’t preclude him from having horrible taste in music and, apparently, a desire to propagate the stereotype that gay men are flaming, sex-obsessed queens who wear make-up.
2. Several underwear-clad men dry hump each other, pull down each other’s pants, dance with each other, and repeatedly ask to see each other’s cocks, yet the clip features no man-on-man kissing use drumsticks on each other’s asses.
3.Compare this to Cazwell’s Ice Cream Truck. Both feature nearly naked men making sexual puns dancing, and yet only one of them actually succeeds at being sexy.
4. On a slow news day, is it better to post videos like this, or to post nothing at all?
5. Does any of this sound familiar? Oh.
i only got half way through this fucking garbage… god, sometimes i hate admitting i’m gay.
These videos are so damn tacky and queer! Enough!
i watched the whole thing and kept careening wildly back and forth between, “WEE! THIS IS FUN! FASTER!” and “OMG LET ME OFF THIS RIDE! I’M GONNA PUUUUKE!”
That….was…..pretty.. AWESOME!!!
I think that’s Cameron Adams in the music video