Are you sitting down?
In a new interview with Out, Chris Crocker reveals that he sorta-maybe-kinda regrets making that bareback porn. Not the actual making of the porn, mind you, but the making of the porn with his now ex-boyfriend, Justin Goble.
Out: Are you saying that you regret the porn?
Chris Crocker: It wasn’t just going to be a one-off porn, it was going to be the porn and then a website, with the same companies, so, the only thing going through my head was setting up a future with my boyfriend at the time, and getting us a house and a mortgage and things like that. I said, “Well if I’m going to do it, then let’s make it worth it.” So, then we broke up a week before the porn came out. So then, yeah, it kind of ended. You have to contractually, and things, promote a porn. So I regret doing it with my ex more than I regret doing it in general…
Chris Crocker’s next big goal is to have his own reality show and, get this, he even promises that he can be more interesting than a seven-year-old girl.
[W]here is the reality show? And where are the people that have seen how interesting my life is? Not that many people were, like, the first of their kind to be an Internet celebrity—what happens after that? What happens after you extend your 15 minutes of fame to 30 minutes of fame, and it’s six, seven years later, and you’re still living at home in Tennessee? I think that’s an interesting story, a little more than Honey Boo Boo…
If you’re a production company, and we have ties that go way back, shouldn’t you be massaging my back a little bit and prodding me? I can only pitch myself so much from my bedroom. My YouTube videos are like my antenna on my head to the universe. Like, how much more do you need to see to know that I am entertaining? But for some reason…some unanswered reason, I’m just completely useless to the entertainment industry…and they don’t see a story there.
Out: So… it’s just been a series of disappointments, is that what you’re saying?
Completely. Completely.
Someone who is completely disappointed with his life because no one sees him as entertaining as he sees himself actually sounds like someone who is delusional enough to be the perfect reality show star.
Still, I’d rather watch his porn.
[Maverick Men: Chris Crocker, Justin, and the Maverick Men Bareback]
I think the only way he can revive his career is if he gets pounded by like 5 black guys.
What do you guys think?
Maybe a show on the logo channel. We know that cable ratings don’t mean a thing. So his sad little twitter, facebook + and the morons that bought his music should be enough to keep it on… lol
ist just sad that he and justin broke up cuz they really were in love .
Chris’s asshole looks damn yummy to me. No waxing necessary. To each his own.
That s disgusting. Hopefully there’s no dinggle berries stuck in that mess… lol
If that’s what you’re seeing in the pic, you clearly need some new glasses.
Chris should make a dramatic porn film with a storyline. It can be called: A Sugar Plum Fairy’s Descent Into Gay Porn. It can be the gay Black Swan porn film that all us homos have been pining for (well, at least I have anyway). Chris can play the head fairy in an all-male ballet version of the Nutcracker. A scrupulous porn producer comes to Chris and tries to get him into the gay porn business. Chris agrees, but unfortunately his porn shoot is on the same night of the ballet opening. Which will he choose? His ex-boyfriend can be his boyfriend in the film and be the antagonist like the Mila Kunis character, except the boyfriend is thinking about taking his place at the gay porn shoot, not his place at the ballet. Kaos insues… I should be a producer.
That’s all well and good, but alas he’ll end up in a filthy motel room lying face down getting anon loads pumped up his guts by faceless strangers all filmed by Treasure Island Media.
My crystal ball tells me so!
It would be more exciting if it were an unscrupulous producer, but let’s talk about it.
Oh the drama. Supposedly nothing makes Reality TV and gay porn more interesting than drama, oh, and having several non-porn themed encounters with law officials with mugshots available to prove it.
Just easy button pushing for attention, fame, and infamy.
How dare anyone make fun of Chris’s hole…after all its been through. He broke up with his boyfriend. If any of you have problems with Chris’s hole, you deal with me. You are lucky he even performed for you bastards. All you guys want is more more more
youre right, and hes more than his hole anyway.thats just one body part..
His vanity and sense of entitlement are sickening. What a narcissist.
For his sake, I hope he gets his ass back into school before it’s too late.
The delusion 95% of these SEX workers display never cease to fuck for a living nothing more, nothing interesting after that :-)
I’d watch his ex-bf’s porn/reality/etc
Really unclean, filthy looking hole.
I imagine a trip to the anal bleaching salon will be in the reality show.
Once you’ve done gay porn (bareback at that) the entermainment industry isn’t interested in you. Maybe a blog about gay porn is interested in you but thats it (I think …)
Who in the fuck would actually want to see this disgusting fuck nude. I had to place a hand over portions of my screen just to read the words so i would sit in here disgust and laugh. ew
Perfectly worded conclusion.
Maybe if he posted some more videos of him dancing naked with his mom slapping his ass?
I am not sure I understand the logic here.
Why does he regret it doing with his ex? (note: most people who bothered watching it watched it for the bf so I imagine he hated having his thunder stolen) I mean, seriously, what does it change that they broke up later? Because they had to do PR together? What PR? This isn’t a Hollywood production with red carpet. When would they have had to even talk to each other?
And if he wanted to do porn regardless, then why didn’t do it again without the bf?
Bonus question: why am I even bothering with this?
I don’t even know why I’m bothering either, but I can’t help myself (it’s like picking a gnarly scab, you know better but you just love to pick at things . . .) I think we’re in the same boat on this one.
I’m sure Chris’ attitude is as bitchy and queeny as his voice – so doing “press” or promoting alongside an ex is probably like hell on Earth for him. I think if he has real issues they reside somewhere in the realm of having to waste time and energy promoting something he doesn’t want anything to do with anymore.
Dutch, you’re a nitwit. The fact that he did bareback means jack shit to anyone in Hollywood. It’s the porn in general.
I’m sure he did the porn because on some level he always knew he has peaked. Porn can’t hold someone back who is going nowhere fast in the first place.
And his hole isn’t that bad (I’ve seen far worse right here on this blog) – it just needs a good waxing. Lil bit ‘o wax goes a long way! Trust!
My darling little Brent (an alter of Sean Paul Lockhart) you of all people know what it means to have peaked. There are so many other porn actors who have gone airstream long before you and they’re still going strong & are very successful.
But I digress, please feel free to continue your delusional life fueled by your ‘panting’ Twitter followers.
By the looks of it that little blue star seems to be stretching as of late. Rafael A. might be ale to help with that.
‘Airstream’ should have been ‘mainstream’. The wonders of tech!
Don’t be mean. Brent C. is still hot.
Take the rosé colored glasses off dude. BTW… Have you read any of SPL’s or BC’ tweets? Talk about mean-spirited… he wins that award hands down!
Guess you don’t consider Brent/Sean a success because he’s doing indie films, hmmm? Maybe not, but at least he’s done more with his life than Miss Crocker who goes ’round and ’round with pics on Tumblr, YouTube videos that say nothing (maybe he’s taking lessons from Greg Onision) and struggling for relevancy.
(I’m not talking about either one’s porn tenure, even if Brent’s obviously done more than Chris. Just in case you were struggling to understand.)
Only way Brent gets work these days is by crowd-sourcing and milking his panting fans. It’s sad to read on Facebook people saying they have little money but are still donating to his efforts.
Dude… I’m not taking sides on the BC/SPL & Crocker debate. SPL exaggerates his experiences making them seem epic. I LOVE Indie films and never disrespect them. What I disrespect is an individual who makes things appear much more than they are!
I disagree. I think most people watched the porn video because it was Chris Crocker,
but the boyfriend surprisingly stole the show because he was more sexually appealing.