The Cockettes, for those who sadly do not know, were a San Francisco-based hippie-commune drag performance troupe that was led by one bearded tranny named Hibiscus and included gays, trannies and several straight people as well. They are credited for bringing the idea of “gender fuck” to drag history, and they were perhaps most famous for their cult film Tricia’s Wedding, in which Tricia Nixon was portrayed by a drag queen and the wedding ceremony devolved into an LSD-fueled orgy.
Rumi, who starred in 1972’s Elevator Girls in Bondage, is one of the sole surviving bearers of first-hand accounts from these halcyon days of hard-drugging drag, was recently profiled in the NY Press:
There was the time Rumi threw poet Allen Ginsberg out of his apartment. “He was playing with himself in soiled underwear and he was pooping glitter,” Rumi said. “He was a pervert!” Then Rumi fondly remembered the practical joke Hibiscus liked to play at the Cockette board meetings. Some of the members had become overly money-mad. Hibiscus thoughtfully offered to bake them homemade bread for a snack. What he neglected to tell them was the glaze was made from his own semen. He was one of those early proponents of DIY. The other Cockettes all oohed and aahed over the bread’s delicious taste.
Sounds like this recipe belongs in the cum cookbook!
Starting June 5th, Rumi will be reprising her role of Madame Gin Sling in the Cockette’s 1970 gem “Pearls Over Shanghai” at the Hypnodrome in San Francisco. Find her on Facebook for further info.
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In Honor of National Drag History Month, A Brief History of Drag
Heklina Tosses in Her Three Cents Re: The State of Drag
Allen Ginsberg Poops Glitter! (NY Press)
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