The first episode of Dominic Ford’s “So You Think You Can Fuck” is now live, and this season features six contestants, including Kevin Crows, Jimmy Clay, Rick McCoy, and Mitch Vaughn. But like with any reality game show, I’m more interested in what the judges have to say.
And who are the judges? Randy Blue director Jeremy Lucido, Cocktails With The Stars host Scotty B., gaypornlebrity Tommy Stone, and NakedSword’s very own Jack Shamama.
Click here for episode one, featuring Kevin Crows and Jimmy Clay.
“……the difference between reality and staged drama. So dissapointed.”
Hold on. You think reality shows mirror reality? Honestly?
Thanks Heph. I just don’t think Dom understands the difference between reality and staged drama. So dissapointed.
You Go Fez Tell’em!!! :)
I watched the first episode, I didn’t turn my nose up to it, just my thumb down so shut your mouth Jasun. You’re lucky a guy like you gets to work in the industry, but I’m sure its because you are great at giving everyone head and not causing any trouble *lame *boring *snooze. I watched the free part and all I saw were a bunch of pornstars in a hurry to get payed and go home. If I saw people who were actually interesting, then I would want to support the show and order the scenes. Thanks.
I take that back. There was actually one person who was interesting. Rick McCoy.
…. but with lots of cocks and anal sex.
Maybe if Matthew Rush had two cute little drag queen assistants, next season?
But that’s all it is…. cocks and anal sex, I could go to any other site if i wanted to pay for that and for much less. I’m really disappointed in this season even though Ric McCoy is in it. I was excited for this season all month because I was hoping to watch something more than just porn, like a reality show with actual drama, not a bunch of guys who are forced to like each other, have sex, get paid, and dip out. You may have added a reality show theme, but there is no reality show element to this season. This season is a unfunny joke.
You’ve seen one out of nine episodes. There is a lot of drama coming, and the group challenges are completely new this year and more than just porn. Maybe you didn’t actually watch the first episode? Not really sure what would please you, as this show is certainly MUCH more than just porn, as you desired.
This is actually quite like the reality show format that you’re used to. Yes, it starts out with challenges, sex scenes and performers but as the season rolls out you’ll see the “reality show element” that you’re looking for.
I’m kinda baffled as to why you’re saying the guys were “forced” to like each other. The guys bonded pretty fast from what I saw and some of them were friends already, although there certainly tensions that build. (one thing right off the top was the Jimmy and Kevin are good friends in real life and they talk on the show about how that dynamic was an odd one when sex was thrown into the mix). Stay tuned, don’t just turn your nose up at it.
(and remember that the show itself is FREE to watch… if you want to see the scenes that the guys created together, THAT’s what you join the site to see.)
Sounds like Rupaul’s drag race without the nice outfits :(
Matthew Rush is my winner again this year!
and omg @ that one judge guy’s bow-tie tattoo. idk if i love it or hate it.
I think all of them are represented by Pacific Blue Agency, hmmmmm……….
This looks hot! I may join just to watch.
i can’t get enough of Jack talking about porn.
Glad to see Rick McCoy is in this. If he bottoms, the dude will win.
Kevin Crows = HOT
Cheesy, out of reality and the judges commentaries creeped the hell out of me!
Zach you need to know that comment is an euphemism to let people hate things. Don’t delete my comment!
Looks fun, as the first one was. Mr Rush continues to amaze me – so charming, and ageless – perfect choice as a host!