Like with the New York version, no one here is “A-List” (whatever that even means), but that’s never been the point of these Logo shows. The point is to entertain whoever is watching Logo, or worse, whoever doesn’t have Logo and has to read the recaps of Logo reality shows on the internet, or the very worst, whoever has to write the recaps of Logo reality shows on the internet. And if the show’s exploitation of boring stereotypes about vapid idiots (gay or straight)–the same stereotypes that every other reality show has been exploiting for 10+ years–is your idea of entertainment, the title of this post is especially for you.
Also, I see there’s a petition going around to boycott an episode that features Ann Coulter? The fuck? That’s what’s making people upset about this show–Ann Coulter? An episode with that mess would be the only episode I wouldn’t want to boycott.
I’ll take this over another drag show anytime. I’m so over the Ru-Paul network LOGO has become.
Finally, I thought I was the only one who thought LOGO’s programming sucked. More like LOWBLOW
Let this trailer serve as a stark warning for all the porn stars they asked about and interviewed for A-List LA.
This will send me to Hell, but the Levi guy (the cowboy) is actually nice to look at….as long as he does not talk. the rest, I couldn’t care less about.
I’ll be tuning in every week. Shamelessly.
As a gay man living in Dallas this show is just a downright embarrassment!! Who the these people? A bunch of wanna be important queens??
Ann Coulter gives good head … uhm, I mean controversy. The general viewer loves nothing more than drama and controversy (well, apart from car chases and stuff blowing up).
I love the A-list: New York, because I have not yet figured out if the cast is “in” on the totally scripted joke or if they are too dumb and too famewhorish to realize it.
Meh, the Ann Coulter boycott was expected. People may argue about whether or not reality shows have their value but almost everyone can agree that Ann Coulter is the worst kind of white trash.
Well, it can’t be any worse than ALNY.
I think I’d rather eat Pussy than watch this shit
So this show’s got their own Nausea (AKA Nyasha)… though this interfering female looks to be simply ditzy as opposed to being an all-around vile human being.
This Dallas cast makes for better eye candy, I’ll give them that much.
Well at least they found a gay black guy……..