Philip Huang

That Lindsey Graham ‘Ladybugs’ Story You’re Reading Is Fake

Twitter is all abuzz this morning with news that someone else came forward to share their experiences with Republican senator Lindsey Graham hiring them as an escort, only to have their story wiped from the internet! Well… don’t believe everything you read on Twitter, because that’s not really what happened here.

We told you yesterday about porn star Sean Harding announcing that he’s looking for other sex workers to come forward so they can expose a “homophobic Republican senator who is no better than Trump.” Harding referred to the mystery politician as “LG” and many assumed he meant South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham.

Sean Harding Tweets

Cut forward to this morning where a story from Medium, a self-publishing website, entitled “Lindsey Graham Hired Me As An Escort” started making its way around Twitter. The piece opens up with author Philip Huang talking about being hired by the politician in November of 2013. He goes on to describe a sexual encounter with Graham that can only be described as pure horror.

“When I came out of the bathroom, he was on the bed, naked, on all fours. I noted that there were dark marks around his anus. I asked if he had showered (he said yes). I asked if it was OK if I wiped him down (he said sure). I wet a face towel and wiped and wiped between his buttocks but nothing was coming off. Then I realized that his taint wasn’t dirty, it was just FULL OF MOLES.

“Dark moles, in dense clusters up and down the length of his taint.

“‘Aw,’ he said. ‘Hope you don’t mind. Those just my little ladybugs.'”

Philip Huang

This “ladybugs” segment of the story quickly spread around Twitter and when the piece was deleted off of Medium, screenshots of the story started spreading with people speculating why it was axed from the platform. Many Twitter users seemed to think Graham or a higher power had the piece removed from the internet. The real story isn’t that juicy though.

The article seems to have been taken down voluntarily by the author. Author Philip Huang tweeted that he deleted the Medium post when he realized it was going viral. The story was supposed to be “satire, a bit of fantasy” and he didn’t “want to fuck up the credibility of the escorts preparing to come out about Lady G.”

Philip Huang

Huang’s excuse for deleting the piece seems to check out. If you look at his other posts on Medium, you’ll see that he only writes satire. He’s written things like “Buttigieg Farts Lube During Campaign Speech, “Mueller Blows Last Chance to Get Blowjob From Me,” and “Woman Claims Biden Inappropriately Washed Her Hair.” So “Lindsey Graham Hired Me As An Escort” is well within his wheelhouse of dumb, political comedy articles.

Many Twitter users started shaming Huang for writing the article. People were saying that his satire piece that many people took as fact made it harder for those who are actually speaking up to be taken seriously and that he potentially invalidated whatever they have to say. And while that is true – maybe y’all should have taken a look into the author’s history before you spread this story around?!

We live in a world where our president likes to call everything we say “fake news” and by not vetting the stories we share, you’re proving him right! If everyone took three seconds to look at Philip Huang’s post history on Medium, they would have seen the ridiculous, obviously fake stories he writes. It’s honestly not that hard to figure out if the story you’re spreading across Twitter is complete bullshit or not. So while it’s extremely problematic that Huang wrote this story in the first place, we all need to do better and maybe put in a couple seconds of research before spreading articles everywhere.



3 thoughts on “That Lindsey Graham ‘Ladybugs’ Story You’re Reading Is Fake”

  1. One of the big problems in the internet age is that too many people are ready to believe any bad things that are posted about people they don’t like.

  2. When it comes to the Graham cracker, nothing surprises me with this hypocrite whose mouth is stuck to Trump’s ass!

  3. That’s not satire: just poor execution of an effective literary device. His writing leaves much to be desired.

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