101 thoughts on “The 10 Hottest Dead Gay Porn Stars To Jerk Off To This Super Bowl Weekend”

  1. Met and had a fun night with Danny Brown when I lived in LA. some 20 odd years ago. One of the sweetest, sexiest, man-child toy boys ever. And fearcely loyal to the porn industry. Would not speak ill of or bad mouth anyone or studio. He is Canadian =French I believe and started with Cadinot before he went on to some of the bigger american studios. I hope he’s well.

    1. Did you see Danny Brown in the 2008 Documentary “Men For Sale” (French: Hommes à louer, literally “men for rent”)? I have been a fan of Danny since I rented my first gay porn videos in the late 80’s.

  2. Richard Locke, Cole Ryder, Adam Faust and Arpad Mikolos.
    Also, how about doing a Volume 2 series with (in some regard) some of the newer porn stars?

  3. Sam Ritter was a pretty little fucker. Cute, tight body, pretty ass & feet. Did a couple of mainstream movies too (I think “Fright Night”). Not sure if he’s dead, but he has been off the radar for a long time.

    1. Sam Ritter aka Stephen Geoffreys is not dead. He’s lost his hair and is 56 year old. I wanted to fuck him back in the 80s.

  4. Paul Johnson was always my favorite. He looked so beautiful with a dick in his mouth and ass. I met Ed Dinakos and Tim Kramer and they were both very friendly and kind men.

  5. I wish we could all get toether and somehow get these guys some help. Porn is like quicksand. you have no money rent is due no food they call say $1500 and by this time the dude knows this is eating him alove but he does the shoot he needs to et. They feel they have no other skills than sex and I bet a lot of thee huys have some kind of skills or go to school. They het mental paralysis and are just stuck,

  6. i atch porn so I am not judging guys who watch porn. What happensto these guys when they turn even 40. They have deep regrets for their choiced I bet and drugs take the pain away. the studios need to pitch in build a drig rehab and a psych hospota o pit thrdr guys back on the right trck. There us a special place in hell for thr thr ownerd of the studios. i know some wil sy it was rgeir chouce but chived you ke at 17 are ofreen not the chouces you would make at even25. these bots geel boxed in they dont have a lot of self confidence nd think they are only good for sex. This is n epidemic caued by the porn industry they get new boys do a ton of shoots with them. they are making great money 2 years later no one will cast them they feel alone and isolatted How do thee guys who own the studios sleep at night? Whts worse you have more young gay guys wanting to do porn than at any other time. I ust feel so bad for them sometimes. The reason rent boy shutting as such a huge deal because for most poen guys that is how they make most of their money. You may get 41500 a shoot but if you get 1 a month you cant live on that.

    1. I have no regrets. What I did taught me what I didn’t want to do. I quit hustling at 32, finally did rehab, taught myself digital design while I tended bar, put my money in index funds. Traveled other places. Realized there was a lot more to life than just being gay.
      25 years later, I’m healthy, live in a little house at the shore, and have a good group of friends who think I’m joking when I hint at my past. I like to make them laugh. Seems like another lifetime.

  7. Totally agree with Al Parker as No. 1. There were many from his era that I liked, but Al was the best “pig” for sex in possibly ever.

  8. Dick Masters: A sweet mannered top with a cock so big that will leave you in pain for weeks. He will fuck wildly but with such a tender smile that you can’t refuse him anything can it be something more wonderful than that in the whole universe? R.I.P you celestial top.

  9. Dustin Michaels : So hot and so young it wasn’t anyone’s fault everything happened to suddenly. Man i really wish you were still alive and close to me baby.

  10. Ho Kyle, I still remember you. R.I.P My dear and beautiful Kyle, I think is sad the way his parents reacted to his dead. Anyway, he was sweet and gorgeous. its Life…

  11. This is rather morbid but your right. In our memory’s, they still are hot. That said, i am amazed you didn’t have
    Lee Ryder on the list. Bob (Lee) and i were together for the better part of 2 years. I still miss him after all the years and yes, he was very hot more than anyone will ever know.

  12. Is it fair if you all don’t get justice eventually you kill of your self.what happiness did you sll got of killing youself.are you all happy where rr you arr in?
    tell me.so sad why! Why! Why! Didn’t any one share their experiences why didn’t any one supported them.that they can live a normal life beyond every thing.

    1. Met and had a fun night with Danny Brown when I lived in LA. some 20 odd years ago. One of the sweetest, sexiest, man-child toy boys ever. And fearcely loyal to the porn industry. Would not speak ill of or bad mouth anyone or studio. He is Canadian =French I believe and started with Cadinot before he went on to some of the bigger american studios. I hope he’s well.

  13. eu corcodo com edward eles fizaram muitos filmes e epocas antigas. e al parker era ativo e com john holmes fazendo um filme gay. tambem no caso.joey yale 1984 hiv e john holmes morreu 1988 hiv. ele não dize e continuo a contaminaçao da doenças. e sexo sem camisinha continuava. 1990 morreu muitos hiv. e 1992g glenn dimme morreu primeiroe depois foi al parker faleceu hiv. ate 1997 steve fox distubio mental. e foi nesse filme que ele condenou sua própria vida. e morte tambem kyle carrington deixou as gravaçoes en 1987 foi mora no havai com namorado. depois quer o namorado morreu de hiv. ele tambem tinha e se suicidou en 1989. diz quer o castigo de deus…

  14. edward the puma junior

    one of the most beautiful men of all past 80 and 90 and 2000. is kyle carrington. al parker. mike Henson. steve fox. matt gunther. bill Henson. johnnym rahm. bierre buisson. danny roddick.atrantes and they are sexy and very beautiful and handsome 10 times. it’s a shame they do not want to exist anymore. because it is the same thing whether you walk down the street and not see that person anymore either loves or lives in his neighborhood and he is no longer her. he is gone forever. and…

  15. Steven has it right, Lee Ryder (Bob) was so dam sexy. I know that for a fact. We were together many years ago, for over a year when i lived in Ca. It makes me very say still, that he is gone. I will never forget him.

    1. Hi Steve, I like to talk to u about Tim Kramer, deceased gay porn actor.

      I grew up in West Virginia. I love to hear more detailed info about Tim Kramer, please.

  16. i am a long time vintage porn fan i was surprised to see so many still alive like Bruno from colt studios and he still looks hot leadermeister man is 70 and buff still Mickey Squires in his 60’s and still buff still trying to hunt down Will Seagers , Tom Leduc , don’t know what happened to them

  17. What about Paul Morgan? He was cool. I heard he stumbled into a Syracuse circus, and was anally raped to death by a horny pack of Portuguese midgets…. So sad. I used to pound my pastrami for hours watching him whittle his white wood.

    1. Al Parker was my coming of age at 17 discovering Gay porn age. I adored his macho & butchness, attitude. str8 up nasty, and gave me a reason to Boner up to !

  18. I much prefer Alan Lambert. French Canadian hottie. His video of his ass getting fucked by Aiden Shaw is my favourite. Sadly I can’t find pics of him without being bombarded with pics of that affront to Music known as Adam Lambert.

  19. Does anyone remember Bob Bishop from early Falcon & Brentwood movies? I couldn’t take my eyes off him. My hope is that he’s enjoying life somewhere.

    1. He died??? When did this happen??? He came back to Titan and he had one incredible ass on there, couldn’t tell if it was real or fake.

    1. Thank you for mentioning Noel Kemp/Eric Stryker. He was so beautiful and his tan lines drove me wild. I also miss Steve Fox. He would have been 50 years old. I also miss Cory Masters

    1. i dont think Jake Tanner is dead he use to have a profile on bigmuscle.com but he took it down but it was alike 2 years ago things change

  20. Jon King!

    Joel Curry!

    Damn, I was in love with those un-abashed bottom boys. And Jon King was the first superstar power bottom. Joel Curry did a handful of films and was model gorgeous, which leads me to ask – you forgot Bill Henson?

  21. How can you forget Kyle McKenna??? the Marc Dylan of his time! Also Steve Fox was a very hot bottom as well. Sad to see these two go out because of suicide. Does anyone know what type of mental illness he had?

    Also there’s Alfonso Ribeiro from Kristen Bjorn movies and Melchor Diaz

    1. @sxg: Kyle McKenna sadly was disowned by family due to his lifestyle & porn; he planned his suicide to the point that he packed up all his stuff so as not to leave a mess behind. What a loss! Steve Fox allegedly was severely manic depressive/psychotic & couldn’t handle the on again/off again changes with all the meds. Really liked both of them. Did Jake Tanner pass away? I know Ed Dinakos did. And you mentioned Alfonso Ribeiro…is he gone too?

  22. Tired of the bullshit

    #1 Joey Stephano. Amazing ass. Sorta resembled the guy in the Calvin Klein underwear adds.

    #2 Mike Henson.

    #3 Al Parker “the marlboro man” look

    I was naive enough back then that I thought all the actors in gay porn were gay. God I miss that!

  23. Kyle Carrington gets my vote, although there’s some dispute as to whether he actually died or just moved away to HI. and

  24. Out of that list, I only recognized Harlow Cuadra (who isn’t dead) and Dustin Michaels (I had the misfortune of watching him die!!).

    Might check out some of those 80’s stars. Thanks for the pointers!

  25. Man, and would you look at those photos from the 90’s. Not a single strand of body hair (except the crotch) I really miss that and wish it would come back. So over body hair being “In”.

    1. Smooth is nice if you’re naturally so but it would have been a chore for those furry guys who had to wax or shave for every porn shoot, I’m glad they get to be au naturel these days.

  26. Joey Stefano! So fucking gorgeous, he ate his own load after every time he shot. Caleb Carter was a shallow, cunty asshole.

  27. Joey Stefano was the hottest thing in the late 80’s and early 90’s. I can’t tell you how many times I jacked off to his videos. I know he was fucked up, but I didn’t care back then. Damn he was hot.

    1. I met him in the Market District of San Francisco.absolutely stunning eyes,but an airhead. Always cruising for cock. slightly arrogant and a total bottom

  28. One of the best porn stars ever was Lee Ryder. He became better and better as he aged. He reached his peak with his performance in Screen Play.

    1. Daniel from Brazil

      Lee Ryder and Lon Flexx are the hottest porn stars I’ve ever known. Lean tight bodys with the right amount of hair…
      How come they’re not here!

  29. Lon Flexx was in a load of shitty movies that never captured his good side, but I found a few photos where his beauty really came through.

    And don’t forget Jon Vincent. When in his prime, in his element, he scorched.

    1. I agree.
      Lon Flexx was one of my favorite actors when I started watching porn.
      Tall, slim, dark hair and dark eyes, he was hung but versatile… and a wonderful kisser !
      It’s so sad that he passed away this young..

    2. John, or his real name, Jeff was a friend of mine back in the 90s. ..He lived down the street from me. He and I had a strange attraction to one another. John would always walk by my balcony with his rotweiler dog in the morning and he yell up stupid things to me AS IF he wasnt gay or something like that.. . when I kinda felt he had this attraction towards me but didnt wanna give his gayness away even though he did gay porn he kinda always acted like he was straight. He did have a daughter by some gal he use to be with. I liked Jeff. Back then I was also a big dude on the scene there in Hollywood. I had done my share of model work as well. I was very well known and liked. I had moved out of Hollywood around 96 and on one trip back I pulled over to park along the street and the car ahead of me parking too was Jeff driving some old fart . . Im sure he was being paid. He did do escort work. When I saw Jeff that day I was shocked. He had lost so much weight and size and looked very bad. Im sure he was doing way too much drugs and drinking. Not long after that I had heard he passed away. I was SO sad for him and only WISHED I would have known he was slipping that far down that day I saw him and I WISH I would have gotten out and at least TRIED to talk to him and maybe help him. I really liked Jeff. He was a real mans man!

      1. Besides John (Jeff) I also knew MATT GUNTHER. Remember him. HOT guy.. Real name was Steve. I liked Steve. I got up on morning and lo and behold my roommate at the time had apparently brought him home that night and had left for work leaving him there to clean up. He came out of the bathroom and I was shocked to see him there, He came into my room. Took off my towel and well, the rest was a few mins of unexpected fun. I liked him. He was a good guy to be honest. The last time I saw him was on a trip to Miami Beach. I was walking to the beach that day and turned the corner on the sidewalk and he was coming the opposite way and we bumped into one another. both kinda shocked to see one another . .. THAT was the last time I saw him, I didnt know he had a bad drug problem. At that time I didnt do the party scene very much. I found out not long after that meeting that he had died. Again, I ONLY wished I had known and was able to help him before he destroyed himself.

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