Since Michelangelo Signorile took over as “editor-at-large” of the awful Huffington Post’s Gay Voices blog, have things gotten better over there? Uhh, no.
It’s the same recycling of other media outlets’ news stories while simply changing the headline into something shocking or depressing (yet inadvertently hilarious!) or list-like to get you to click thru, just like the regular Huffington Post and all its other sub-blogs (Black Voices, Latino Voices, Midget Voices, Sexy Voices)—which, remember, don’t pay their bloggers—do every day. This is what Signorile—a journalist with a history of substantive, controversial reporting—was tasked to do?
–QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE: Go Behind The Scenes With Some Of The Most Beautiful Transgender Women In The World As They Compete For The Crown
–Turkey, Laughter and Love
–Here Come The Brides! One Lesbian Couple’s Road To The Altar
–When Martha Stewart Taught Me How To Prepare Thanksgiving Dinner
—PHOTOS: Gay Couple ‘Weds’ At Occupy Wall Street
–Coming Out Pregnant!
–Take Me Out To The Ballgame: New Agreement Protects Gay Baseball Players
–Is Barbie Leaving Ken For… Ellen DeGeneres?
–Lady Gaga Gives Half Her Money To Her Dad
–Mark Consuelos Distracted By Rob Kardashian’s Butt?
I’ll stop writing these rants about how horrible Arianna/AOL’s content farm is as soon as everyone I know stops posting links to it everywhere I turn. Stop linking to them, everyone! If I want to read inane bullshit from people who aren’t getting paid, I’ll look at my Twitter feed.
Just. fucking. awful.
They should spice it up with double entendre…
“4 on the floor – inside a tranny orgy!”
“Gay Voices/Annoying Voices: Signorile and Huffington sing Christmas songs!”
Occupy redecorates, with Jonathan Adler!
“Gay Faces. GoProud, HRC, Act Up and Log Cabin — match the mugg to the ugh!”
Zach you are so bitter! You are making the fallacy that everyone feels the same way about huffington as you do. Instead of being so cynical and a kill joy. Why not be optimistic that a heavly trafficked news source has decided to even add a gay voices section. And and you know what? Obscure and new writers getting national exposure is not a form of exploitation. If it was I don’t so many writers would jump at the chance to be festered on huffington post.
From what I understand, the contributors to HuffPo who aren’t being paid know ahead of time that they won’t be paid.
If they want to be paid, it seems to me that they would choose a different venue.
No one is forcing contributors to submit to HuffPo, they do (I would imagine) in order to get exposure and have a heavily trafficked platform.
It’s basically a more structured form of crowdsourced news and opinion pieces.
I don’t see how contributors are being exploited or taken advantage of if they knowingly contribute to a site that they know won’t pay them.
Too bad you didn’t link all those stories you listed. They sound interesting and I would like to read them. As for your arguments against linking, they are unconvincing to me. Recycling stories? That is rampant on the internet. Don’t pay their bloggers? Does pay their bloggers? If you want money for what you write then seek another venue.
je déteste ce que vous écrivez, mais je donnerai ma vie pour que vous puissiez continuer à écrire -Voltaire
Uhh, if you don’t get why they weren’t linked, sorry. And if those stories sound interesting to you, sorry again. Blogger not paying their bloggers? Blogger is a self-publishing platform where individuals can and do make their own money through blog ads, affiliate postings, and other creative ways, so, sorry one more time—you’re wrong.
Also, this is about lack of originality and taking advantage of writers, not free speech, so that Voltaire quote isn’t remotely germane.
The Voltaire quote was intended to be separate from my argument and meant for you. Of course I get why the stories were not linked, I was being jocular. I agree that the blogger analogy was was not appropriate and I concede that point. However, I still submit that if you wish to make money writing, the Internet is yet to provide a robust venue.
By the way, I’m sure that the headlines are thought about to make the audience interested and Don’t You Do That To?
Since the announcement was made yesterday, I think it’s a bit early to criticize Signorile for the content you see on the site today. Is this collection of stories embarrassing? Yes. Is it Signorile’s fault? Not unless he’s been secretly been acting as editor-in-charge.
Give the guy a chance to actually do something before you attack him.