The 10 Worst Headlines Currently Running On Huffington Post Gay Voices

After the last time I did this, I didn’t think they could get any worse. I was wrong.

10. Are Our Future Doctors Receiving Enough Training to Care for LGBT People?

9. ‘Pro-Family’ Activist Wants Santorum’s ‘Google Problem’ Fixed

8. Santorum’s Catholic Problem

7. Santorum’s Homophobia Problem

6. WAIT — WHAT? Find Out The Queer Secret Of Lady Gaga’s ‘Poker Face’

5. World’s Tallest Transsexual Talks About Shoes, Taboos And Tattoos

4. Show Us the Money: Funding for Bisexual Community Lacking

3. Drew Carey & NPH Tackled By Excited ‘Price Is Right’ Contestant

2. Filipino Teen Scalded With Boiling Water By Father After Revealing He’s Gay

1. WATCH: Isaac Mizrahi Is Married!

Santorum has so many problems, LGBT people need special doctors, a fun rhyme-thyme tranny, bisexual people deserve money and, WAIT — WHAT? Watch out for the scalding water, Isaac!


3 thoughts on “The 10 Worst Headlines Currently Running On <em>Huffington Post Gay Voices</em>”

  1. I think judging a website solely on headlines is not a valid type of criticism. After all, these are some recent headlines on this site:

    “Perez Hilton for Lean Pockets”
    “Which Romney Would You Rather?”

    Based solely on the headlines and not the content, couldn’t someone think that The Sword is promoting Perez Hilton and the Romney campaign for the Republican nomination?

    1. Perhaps, Zach, we should start comparing the content of the Huffington Post to the content of the Sword. Who do you think would win THAT one?

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