The 13 Most Insane (Illegal?) Sentences From The Scene Descriptions Of Treasure Island Media’s Bad Seed

It was hard to pick only 13 from these scene descriptions, but I did my best.

13. But every top knows the occasional hunger for boy-flesh, the soft smooth skin of the innocent and not-quite-adult male sub.

12. His hole all a-twitchin’ with cock-hunger, the man-whore squats down and gets a serious lesson from Drew in how to worship a heavy endowment.

11. When he can’t wait any longer, he takes a couple deep deep hits from his brown bottle, bends over and spreads his public-property ass as Drew slides in, slow and deep.

10. The dude already had half a dozen loads up his ass and Drew crouched down to lick and suck some warm man seed out of his buddy’s hot eager EZ-access hole.

9. And one Sunday afternoon Blake contacted me after having gone through a series of hard-to-take customers (hint: they all insisted on using condoms).

8. Preston Johnson has done a good amount of porn, but his real claim to fame is as a “yeah, I’ll do that” whore in Sin City.

7. You’ll hear the crackwhores screaming in the hallway.

6. Jackson may look like a kid, but he’s been taking man seed up his ass for years. In fact, he started when he was four years old and hasn’t stopped since then.

5. This scene is not for everyone.

4. Ever the gentleman, DJ fucks Glass hard ‘n’ deep, delivering a thick toxic load deep in the bottom’s hungry hole.

3. At one point, he nearly falls out of the third story window, reaching out to grab a needle, showing it off with feigned disgust.

2. When we shot this over-the-top three-way with Anton Dickson and Luca Bondi fucking the holy bejeebers out of him, none of us knew that within a week he’d hit rock bottom and would go into rehab.

1. The life of a whore, though, isn’t all cum and roses.

[Treasure Island Media: Bad Seed]


40 thoughts on “The 13 Most Insane (Illegal?) Sentences From The Scene Descriptions Of Treasure Island Media’s <em>Bad Seed</em>”

  1. I just saw the video mentionning This Jackson Taylor guy that I turned it off right after my mind processed what this setence meant ! This is beyond messy this Paul Morris guy is a public danger !

  2. You can watch all of these movies right here on The Sword- see every one is making money. TIM, The Sword, the guy who sells his over watched copy of the dvd on e-bay, so e-bay is making money from Fucktard, and Jackson Taylor raped at 4 years. The people who repost the video on xTube, pornohub, and the hundred of other tube sites that sell ad space, and if any one clicks and joins one of the sites from the ads then they make money.

    The bottom line is $. Paul Morris doesn’t give a crap about free speech, or HIV, or open sexual expression. He wants you to buy his porn, buy his clothing, buy his parfume, he just wants your $.
    Mr. Morris is a very, very intelligent man. He portrays himself as a nihilist, my feeling is he is more of a sociopath.
    I read his treatise. He brings up some very important and true facts, but chooses to believe there is only one way for porn to go o stay ecxiting and that is down the path of depravity.

    No Limits: Necessary Danger in Male Porn
    Paul Morris (presented at the World Pornography Conference, LA, Summer 1998)

    Read this and you will no why Dice has the TIM logo on his head, and across his chest is inked “Paul Morris Owns Me”.

    Wouldn’t be surprised if Paul Morris doesn’t have a kiddy snuff porn in his private stash.

  3. I’ve noticed that over the years these depraved ‘people’ have been making films with younger and younger guys; I would even call them ‘boys’. To me a 19-20 year-old is still a boy. One day a kid who participated is going to realise how severe HIV/AIDS still is and will want revenge on the producers who turned their health into a kinky topic. Surprised it hasn’t happened already.

    About a year ago Russia’s anti gay laws were a hot topic, and a unifying one. Look how our freedom is abused; anti-gay advocates only need to point at TIM’s website. Talking about a four year-old is a new low even for these scum-bags.

    I believe any unsafe porn should have a warning message at the beginning stating unequivocally that HIV/AIDS still has no cure and that the medications used to treat the disease cause side-effects like severe osteoporosis and many types of cancers plus so many others. I have a good friend who is not responding to the drugs at all and its not looking good.

    So if these derelict human beings want to sexualize disease and drug use they should be required to warn their sometimes impressionable audience about HIV/AIDS so at least sanity has some presence in there somewhere.

    For all the people that lost their fight, and those who are losing their fight against this worsening epidemic I say fuck you TIM and anyone else that thinks a rubber is some terrible inconvenience.

  4. whoever writes the scene descriptions for these videos at T.I.M should get an award. They are brilliant!!!! What a great way to stir the pot and get good/bad buzz on a movie that’s just being released. You know everyone now is going to their website to read them!!

  5. Every new release must be more exiting (or insane or gruesome … which may fit both Treasure Island Media and the horror movie genre).

    I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the early Treasure Island Media releases could be considered vanilla by today’s ‘what is the latest controversial sex thing that makes piggies go oink-oink?’ standards.

    I think in the near future Treasure Island Media will controversialize itself into a corner where there’s nothing left for the studio to film but snuff, necrophilia, and canibalism.

    1. That’s the challenge of porn, there’s always a need for novelty, something new and bigger. Bareback isn’t controversial like it used to be, addiction was their topic of 2012, and it seems like rape and child sexual abuse might be up next on the docket. The first TIM snuff film will be out before the end of the decade.

  6. I think TIM is sometimes pushing it a little too hard. All these sentences do not turn me on but they turn me off. I doubt this is what they wanted. And don’t get me wrong, I like bb porn but this is a little trying too hard.

  7. It’s a three-way tie between “We’re going to pretend we’ve filmed a rape! Isn’t that hot and edgy?”, “We’re going to pretend there’s some statutory rape happening here!”, and “Our bottom in this scene has been sexually abused nearly since birth!”

    What the fuck is wrong with people?

  8. TIM did their utmost best to make a movie which provokes beyond the boundaries of common sense and good taste. that’s exactly why people are buying the stuff. It’s representation of a fantasy world where you can get away with behaviour which is unhealthy for the body and the mind. Let these performers do what they do take notice of it, jack-off to it if you need to and be done with it. It’s an animalistic behaviour they’re visualising. It’s a glimpse of what happens when you strip man of the inhabitions brought on by society.

  9. I love it when people rag on TreasureIslandMedia for being irresponsible, when the majority of porn performers check in and out of jail like it’s a hotel.

      1. Nathan, please stop your generalizations because they are stupid and ignorant. Maybe you should take a break from reading The Sword because it is clearly affecting your judgment.

  10. 15. Right before ejaculating in his mothers ear, Blake decides to gouge his own eye out and use the blood as natural lube. Thankfully one of the other slam pigs was a doctor, otherwise he would have really regretted that decision! The toxic seed kept shooting because of this brave hero.

  11. Whoa, taking loads since he was 4 years old? TIM’s fetishization of disease and addiction is problematic and exploitive, but the behaviors are between consenting adults. But when you treat child sexual abuse as another sexy angle to sell your porn, that’s fucking disgusting. Child rape isn’t sexy, end of story.

    1. We’ve already established on this blog that spousal abuse, murder, and racism are all sexy, admirable traits to gay porn consumers…What’s one more (child abuse)?

  12. The partying tweaker lifestyle under a microscope: Yes, its’s an option, but is anyone ever glad they chose it? And how long can you feed your dark side before it begins to feed off of your life. I feel lucky I made it out!!!

    1. One should never even joke about that scenario in #6. Great way to show those Treasure Island fans what a rig is in #3 like they don’t know all ready. Nasty all around!

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