Cell phones! Diapers! Baseball bats! But what is a “spinxster”?? A North Carolina Pastor named Patrick Wooden tells fellow crazy person Peter LaBarbera about all the things we’re doing (and all the things they both fantasize about).
14 thoughts on ““The Anus Is Not A Vagina””
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A Month After Testing HIV-Positive, Derrick Burts Shot A Gay Porn Scene
The scene Burts shot, as “Derek Chambers”
Wow, this guy knows more about gay sex than I do! I had no idea that most gay men had stretched sphincter muscles and wore diapers from sticking toys and communication devices up their bums. I’ve never seen that. I guess I need to get out more.
It’s interesting that, if this is actually an argument against homosexuality, that every single straight man I know loves nailing his wife or girlfriend in the ass. Where is the pastor’s anger there?
The anus is not a vagina, really? Thanks crazy dudes, I totally would’ve got those mixed up without your help.
THANK GOD, the anus isn’t a vagina! ewww….. well except for joe the mangina man and buck angel the ftm porn star…that could be fun. But I couldn’t perform oral on either one!
Chaz Bono told Howard Stern that since he started his transition that his vagina no longer works like a normal one does. The hormones he said have dried him out down there and any makes any kind of sexual contact painful.
Please TMI. Yuck
is it me or did he touch on each cliche gay ass play story ever told? That whole gerbil thing, is that real? I mean, i did all the others but i just assumed the whole gerbil thing was fake. Someone told me i’d have to knock its teeth out and pull its nails off first? Plus i’m obviously flaming, do you think i should be embarrassed when i purchase one? I mean, when i tried to act butch when i bought my first dildo, (which was huge btw) i pulled the whole act “you think my girlfriend, will like this” and the store clerk just looked at me and laughed, and said “sure, your girlfriend”. I could have died. I think when i walk into a pet store asking for gerbils someone will call the police on me. what is sissyboy supposed to do?
The only gapping hole in this story is this idiots homophobic MOUTH!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH absolutely fucking ridiculous and hilarious! the number of times i’ve been fucked and my bf still complains im too tight each morning. maybe this guy needs a baseball bat up his ass to test his theories before he says anything lol
“What used to be his anus had become a gaping hole”
Somebody rented Spencer Fox for the weekend. . .
LMAO! also great find Zach this just made my night!
This dude has obviously never given birth, and when his wife gave birth, he probably believed her when she told him the epidural was all part of God’s plan for the vagina.
You are too much Zach. Where do you find this stuff? In any event, you are the first site I go to when I log on in the morning. Great fucking blog.
Is that OJ?