But here’s a roundup of the aftermath, and if you haven’t already, click on over to our Sarah at Folsom Street Fair portrait gallery, unless of course you have IE6, in which case you are, at the moment screwed (we’re working on it)… so go straight to our Facebook page:
Just on the heels of the Tim & Roma episode featuring Julie Brown (see clip here), we would be remiss in not pointing you to the diva’s brand new remake/spoof of “Homecoming Queen’s Got a Gun”: in honor of Sarah Palin, it’s “Ex-Beauty Queen’s Got a Gun.” Download here, you won’t be sorry.
Snooze-fest aggregator 365gay is running this lede: Biden Says Gay Relationships Are Protected By the Constitution! Yah. Whatev. We’d like to see him try to get that one past the Scalia/Roberts Supreme Court.
Gawker says Biden won (uh, thanks Pareene) and they posted the clip of Sarah calling him “Senator O’Biden.”
Via Queerty and Addenak we get this funny flowchart of How Sarah Palin Thinks.
The lonely gay computer who writes AfterElton.com gets snippy about her use of the word “tolerate.”
And now, a little more sexy-folksy winking.
Sarah Palin at Folsom (NSFW)
Palin Drinking Games
Sarah Palin Winks at America (YouTube)
Biden Says Gay Relationships Are Protected By the Constitution (365gay)