When it’s not busy clutching its pearls, GLIDE organizes motivational panels for High School students in order to celebrate gay people. Gay porn stars, however, can get the fuck off GLIDE’s lawn.
For four years, Joe Mannetti (pictured) was one of the organization’s most popular speakers and effective volunteers. All it took was one complaint from a frigid fellow volunteer that Mannetti had once appeared in some bear fetish pornos, as "Joe Falconi," before retiring in 2006. GLIDE organizers fired him immediately and without recourse.
"I feel judged and discarded by them," Mannetti told LGBTPOV. By adopting this little side project of persecuting gay porn stars, GLIDE is flouting its mission statement of "providing the general public with…diverse personal experiences about homosexuality." And when a gay rights organization adopts frigid, picket-fence guidelines to pick and choose which gay men are worth supporting, then that gay rights organization sucks shit.
‘Mr. Gay World’ Organizers Not Good At Damage Control
In Defense of the Porn Industry
Time To Die, GLAAD. Time To Die.
Who Will Teach What About LGBTs on Harvey Milk Day? (LGBTPOV)
Amazing the reasons we can find for exclusion…too big, too hairy, too OLD, etc., etc. There are a lot of young gay people today whose examples of what to be are guided by the antics of barebackers on Xtube. Joe did some porn? Yeah, I knew that. I also know he is a tireless campaigner against AIDS, and was the best outreach person GLIDE had. Here’s someone whose actual LIFE is an open book, and that includes his sexuality. How awesome to have someone with a sex life ALSO demonstrate personal responsibility in it, as well as showing that there is a lot more to life than just sex. He’s a very well-rounded person who has a lot to offer. That he would not look right on an LCR homepage is, I think, to his credit. One shudders at the thought of how quickly an avowed hussy like Carla Bruni-Sarkozy would be rejected, should she come to America and offer to tape a PSA for GLIDE!
The picket-fence mentality has been traditionally very harmful in our community and nowhere has it done more harm than in dyke circles where those who don’t fit the most perfect victimhood stereotypes are unwelcome and unfought for. Hence the size and weakness of the womens community, which moans about exclusion while doing a damn good job of it themselves. As a gay woman I’m ashamed and sick of the desexualized bull we have to put up with. There is a story about how one of the authors of the “Ethical Slut” was excluded from the SF dyke community for 10 years because she was bi and into leather – I so believe it. The sooner this kind of rubbish is routed, the better. A lot of people end up as sex workers because it is the only way that fits their needs. It is not the place of the community to judge,
I understand their reasoning. Maybe all LGBT organizations should do better reference checks, though?