It’s Oscar season, everybody! And what better way to celebrate this year’s leading contender for Best Picture than to watch the gay porn video that was filmed on the same set? Here’s the video.
How Queer Click was able to not only sit through The King’s Speech without falling asleep but also to pay such attention to detail that they realized some of the film was shot on the same set as a UK Naked Men scene is beyond me, but here’s their revelation.
And that the likely Best Pic winner this Sunday had the same location budget as a web based gay porn studio gives hope to all mainstream filmmakers. Don’t be surprised if one of next year’s nominees features a high speed car chase using the Bait Bus.
Thanks, but no thanks. Colin Firth is too old to get my rocks off too.
you should all take a look a Colin Firth in the movie “Another County”. Anyone seeing Firth in “Another County” probably would have assumed he would end up in Gay Porn.
Does anyone know if Colin Firth will be doing a shoot for UK Naked Men?
This movie was far from boring and was probably my favorite movie of 2010. The King’s Speech has a good shot at this award, it’s them or “Alice in Wonderland”.
So, this happened. Why hasn’t someone rented the sets from Spartacus yet?
. . .I will write the script, if there are a dearth of ideas. #doyoulikegladiatormovies?
(PS. I love BritPorn. Prrrrowr.)
“So, this happened. Why hasn’t someone rented the sets from Spartacus yet? ”
I’m in if the cast is included…. The only way to improve on that would be if Andy Whitfield could resume his position…
So is the film up for Best Set Design? There’s the story if it is.
It’s up for Best Art Direction (production design), so yeah. Ha.
So if King’s Speech picks up that award the porno movie could legally advertise itself as an “Oscar Winning” (set design). That’s got to be a first.