Here is a video that is supposed to be alarming because a grown man is acting like a baby and a grown woman is treating him like a baby but Jesus fucking christ shouldn’t the alarming issue here be the fact that this grown man and this grown woman are both morbidly obese and one spoon feeding of high fructose corn syrup away from certain death? Adult baby? Adult blue whale. “They both receive Social Security disability benefits for unspecified reasons,” says Jezebel. Unspecified? Both of them can barely fucking walk. They get to be on teevee while we get to pay for them to be fat and insane, the end.
National Geographic TV, huh? I guess even high-minded intellectuals have to visit the whorehouse every now and again.
What the fuck?
The Sword Daily Challenge: Masturbate to climax while watching the Roman Heart/Benjamin Bradley scene from Driver and this video simultaneously.
Also, those unspecified reasons could include mental illness, other debilitating injuries or illness that may have contributed to their obesity and immobility, etc. I’ll stop now.
I think it’s funny how you point out how these people who are different than you freak you out, and how you think they are gross. Glad we gay people don’t have to deal with that kind of discrimination!
“The uploader has not made this video available in your country.”
Something tells me I ought to be grateful for that. Each to their own and all, but this is ewww to the power of 10.