Aden asked for privacy after he and Jordan broke up last month. That was then. Here’s a screencap of the duo’s Twitter warfare last night:
This is totally sad. Also it’s time for a gangbang, in case you didn’t hear me the first time.
Aden & Jordan Jaric Break-Up Shocker
The Jarics Throw Themselves An Injection Party
Listen To This Song The Jarics Made For You
Tre Xavier calling someone else a narcissist is classic? Do you know these guys personally? And you blame them for even being in a relationship? When was the last time you were in a relationship that lasted longer than a sex party?
They’ve broken up? Well, like Ricci, I can’t tell the 2 of them apart. I’ve always saw and wrote about them as the textbook case of gay narcissism where you want to fuck someone who looks too much like yourself, so their break-up is no surprise. With that in mind, I would imagine that if you fuck a mirror long enough, eventually you would hate yourself. Because it was your own dumb decision to fuck that mirror when there’s a great variety of men to choose from, therefore it would get boring.
aden is hot, would luv to fuck him, he’s a born bottom bitch, deserves some better fucks than he had in the past
Botox princesses having a slap fight—I LOVE homo schadenfreude!! You can never have too much of the painfully pretty being painfully shallow.
i’ve never figuered out who is who but from the beginning it was clear the bottom boy was 1. the cutest of them all 2. and would quite the top boy.
Oh please, this is just drama queen hysteria. They don’t hate each other really, they’re just acting out like children throwing a tantrum. Give them a month and they’ll be over themselves.
Aw. D Money, wanna hook up??
Well it’s a good thing. Hey have all those happy moments recorded on film forever.
Uh, this shit is the reason i WON’T see Aden @ Club H8!
Speaking of Aden, see him this Saturday the 22nd at Club 8 in SF!
Wow…. “Effect” and “Sole”