Trenton Ducati, a two-time Swordie Award winner (for 2012’s “Need You Inside Me” and this year’s “Best Dressed” at the Grabbys) can now add a THIRD trophy to his mantle, because the gay porn superstar has just won the 2013 Swordie for “Best Hair.”
Trenton Ducati has gotten his hair cut in 2013 more times than I have this decade, and each one of his new styles looks as perfect as the last. With never a hair out of place (except for that cute curly one in the front sometimes), awarding Trenton’s tresses was a no-brainer, so congratulations to Trenton Ducati (and his hair) for winning the 2013 Swordie for Best Hair.
[Raging Stallion: Trenton Ducati]
Well, it sure isn’t his brains and personality that we are clamoring to have!?! For damn sure!
Apparently The Sword has never heard of or seen a picture of Jett Black when it decided to hand out this award for Best Hair 2013. Who else in porn had runway model perfect hair in every sex position possible on film this year other than Jett Black?
He’s a good looking man! He needs to get rid of that tattoo on his chest though.
He looks like a beefy Joey Essex from TOWIE
Has TD had botox? Something about his face in the the photo in the black barber bib makes me think his face is a little disturbingly smooth….the the beach shot next to it has the same look…..has he been partaking of botox?
I miss Jett..:-/
How soon we forget:
Jett Black is the gay porn Farrah Fawcett, whatever beef he has with Cockyboys doesn’t change that.
jett black definitely wins it all! best hair for forever, love him soooo much
I would rather have a guy with less hair, but a nice big set of low-hanging nuts…
Meh… i find Trenton to be average looking. Now,Rogan Richard’s hair is far more impressive. That’s man with a head full of hair.
Did Cockyboys pay you to award this to someone other than Jett Black? B/c, I mean, come ON. We all know Jett’s got the best hair in porn right now.
Trenton sure is a handsome man.
His hair looks pretty much the same with the exception of slight changes here and there. I actually prefer Rogan Richard’s hair more than Trenton. But still it’s definitely a different hairstyle compared to what the rest of the porn stars have these days. I’d to see what it looks like completely messy with no product, or what it looks like after jumping into a pool.
BTW has he had botox done or something? I could have sworn he had some wrinkles here and there and his face is looking flawless in these pics, not including the obvious photoshop ones of course.
Not a big Trenton fan but I will give him kudos on the best hair award. He has good genes.