Interview by Michael Stabile, June, 2008.
You got your start in porn while working at CNET right?
Actually, earlier – in ‘97 I was interning with a guy who did some post-production for Hot House, and occasionally rented his loft out to studios. That was where I was first introduced to Steven, Chi Chi and [then Falcon head] John Rutherford. I did an edit of 1-800-HOT-FIST for Club Inferno, and Soaked for Falcon.
Is that when you got your nickname?
[Late Falcon owner] Chuck Holmes asked John who edited Soaked. John was anxious about letting him know that it was a woman, so he improvised: “Mr. Pam.” Chuck assumed I was an Asian man.
Did you start doing adult work immediately?
No. In ’98, I took a job with, as the art director for their news division, but for six years I never forgot that internship. In 2004, a friend of mine told me about this gay porn talk show that NakedSword was starting up – the Tim and Roma Show. They needed a director and I needed a change.
Which is about when I met you…
Yeah, NakedSword was my re-introduction to adult. On one of the early shows, John Rutherford actually acted as my P.A – it was wild! He had just taken over COLT at the time and thought he might want to do a behind-the-scenes look at the making of a porn set. He asked if I’d come with him to shoot Buckleroos. I was TERRIFIED. I ended up helping with the camerawork and thought “This is where I want to be!”
It’s a wonder anyone got along with out you. What’s next?
I’m becoming more of a director, learning to look at the whole project rather than just thinking about the shot. This fall, I’ll be working with Black Scorpion on my first feature.
Have you ever encountered hostility as a woman on a gay porn set?
To my face? Only once. A guy told me “I’m never around women. Even as a baby I was born from a Caesarean – no vagina!” but I shot it anyway. The shoot went well anyway, and I’ve never heard it again.
The Sword’s Interview With Award-Winning Videographer Ben Leon
International Mr. Leather 2008: Somewhere, A Herd of Cows Is Shivering
Waiting for Wood With Collin & Pam
I really like this series! Can you do more interviews with behind-the-scenes people? I would like to see C.H. from Rascal and Andrew Rosen interviewed about being editors. And you’ve done Mr. Pam, now do Ann Igma on her editing. I’d also like to see directors who do their own camerawork interviewed about their approaches to cinematography, like Ben Leon and Jett Blakk.
Don’t forget, she’s also a great director, with the excellent documentary “Exposed” and her many hilarious webisodes for you guys. Love me some mr. Pam!!