PornHub has just put out some statistical data that proves that there’s no more hypocritical place in the country than the Deep South. The states that are most virulently anti-gay-marriage and bigoted in general are also the ones that watch the most gay porn.
Yep, the highest percentages of gay porn watchers among PornHub’s users are in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Georgia, as you can see in the map below, and all those states beat out California for gay porn consumption if you can believe that.
And what’s up with the prudes in Iowa and Minnesota? Somebody needs to alert the homos in those wintry tundras that there is plenty of beautiful dick and ass to be had in the great gay porn universe.
Or maybe they just know better than to use PornHub in the middle of the country.
Below, please tell us where you’re from, Sword reader. This is fascinating.
What about Brazil, Central and South Americas or Africa ?
Goodness gracious; you mean to tell me there are terrible closet cases in the south helping to persecute other gays? Next you’ll tell me that drag queens aren’t actually women!
What no love for fucking CANADA in your poll?, fix it please!!!
Most of that Mississippi action is my doing, I think…
what the fuck happened to Canada?? Why aren’t we counted?
yea that list is all sorts of fuckedup. It also left off Latin America, Africa, and Australia and New Zealand. They don’t count as pacific island, unless you meant to say Oceania.
….. “gay users BY STATE” ………….
LMAO! #cantread
Same sex marriage was legalized across Canada back in 2005, so I have no clue why the entire country is listed here. Those dinosaurs who objected to same sex marriage have largely been forced into silence because it is a non issue for most Canadians now. Maybe that’s why most Canadian’s look on in dismay at the conduct of some states in the U.S.A in denying marriage to all.
And y’all totally should. The whole world should. I’m born and raised in the US, Texas of all states, and I think it’s rather humiliating that we fully expect the rest of the world to respect human rights when we can’t even do that in our own country. It was aggravating to see all these idiots get riled up and try and boycott the Winter Olympics in Sochi when many state governments here at home have been pushing for a ban on gay marriage, and even the right to discriminate people for their sexual orientation based on religious purposes for years. We need to fix our own problems on human rights before we call out other countries for violating their human rights.
BTW, many people fail to notice this, but there are A LOT of American athletes in the Olympics that come from pretty conservative backgrounds, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they actually support such “religious freedom” bills and support a ban on gay marriage.