I haven’t heard of any protests by Sports Illutrated readers, which means they’re taking Manhunt’s world domination in greater stride than the Los Angelians who bitched about that Manhunt West Hollywood billboard.
The Outsports blogger reports that the Manhunt ads, featuring Austin Wilde, have been popping up repeatedly on Sports Illustrated for the past few weeks. He writes:
Manhunt said it’s not a direct buy with Time Warner, but it’s an ad they’ve placed through Dedicated Media. Either way, I think it’s cool that a gay dating/sex site is showing up on Sports Illustrated. Several years ago I remember being told that some advertisers might not advertise on Outsports if we accepted Manhunt ads. Oh how times have changed.
Here are the screengrabs:
Don’t Do This On Manhunt, By Steve Cruz
‘New York Times’ Installs a Gloryhole on its Homepage
Craigslist Anthropoly and The 6.5’c Top
Manhunt ads on Sports Illustrated (Outsports)
It’s some kind of script/cookie that tracks what you have searched (google I am guessing) and serves ads based on those searches. One day I decided to search for some sumotech and low behold this forum I frequent that has this script installed started showing Bumble and Bumble ads ad nauseum. A lot of other people started to ask about it so I know it”s not me. So yeah the reason manhunt showed up is because you were most like searching for it on your computer… It’s a little invasive if you ask me.
I also have saw the ad for manhunt on Knight Publishing’s mainstream newspaper websites; Miami Hearld, Asheville Citizen Times, Charlotte Observer. It seems that Manhunt bought ad space using a thrid party advertising management company who provides header ad space for major publications such as Sports Illustrated herein described.