Onlookers at yesterday’s meet had trouble getting over Caster’s broad shoulders, chiseled muscles and mannish face — not to mention her stellar performance in the 800-meter race she won. A group of doctors — including an endocrinologist, a gynaecologist, an internal medicine expert, an expert on gender and a psychologist — has just begun an investigation into Caster’s gender, but the runner has been staving off man-lady accusations for years.
Her coach told the press that when they stopped at a gas station recently, attendants tried to stop her from using the women’s restroom. “Caster just laughed and asked if they would like her to take off her pants to show them she was a woman.”
Not to sound like a vegan Women’s Studies major with bad hair, but gender is not binary. Some people are born with both male and female goods, and some women even have Y chromosomes. In the words of Facebook, “it’s complicated.” But it does sound like Caster is secure in her vadge-hood. So that’s something.
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Caster Semenya wins 800m gold but cannot escape gender controversy (Guardian)
Women are not born with XY alone. They are androgen resistant MEN, but they MAY identify as a woman.
The problem is any of us can identify as anything we wish, but it doesnt change the raw facts. IF she is male, or XX/XY or androgen resistant then its likely she has an unfair advantage over normal XX females. In a sport where your sex is so critical they governing body must protect the integrity and fairness of the sport. Its harsh, but thee is no other way.