Those of you who called me “bitter,” an “idiot,” a “bitch,” and a “blogger who consistently tears shit down” for not liking almost everything can kindly shut up (at least for 66 seconds), because here is something and someone I absolutely 100% love.
ADDED: You knew this was coming.
And building a whole song around another group’s brilliant hook is the trailblazing edge of avant-garde, is it Madge? God she’s stupid.
My guess is that she ate her last boyfriend so that she can live another century.
Always found the Material Girl boring. This interview doesn’t change that, but if folk groove to her god bless!
You have to love the way she can work the media. She’s three weeks away from her biggest gig at the super bowl and her new movie opening and she’s got all the bitches foaming at the mouth.
This interview is her best work in the past ten years.
as if “reductive” were a clever word. It doesn’t even mean anything in this context. Madonna always gave the worst interviews; she comes off like an arrogant ass, as usual.
p.s. I think she meant to use the word “derivative”
LOL. I love how this “tries” to make reductive seem like such a highfalutin word. Not a fan. Never have been. If I want a talented fire spitting dragon I’d go to Nina Simone.
What took her so long? She just stated the obvious…and that reductive comment was CLASSIC.
The delusional monsters are in full meltdown mode. Lol!
I hope I’m as wonderfully cunty when I’m as old as Madonna.
14 minutes and counting…..
queen, please
30 YEARS and counting…bitch.
Now THAT is “reductive.” 10/10
Way to go madonna! That’s my bitch! EXPRESS YOURSELF DON’T REPRESS YOURSELF!
i like madonna as much as the next queer but for her to call out gaga is ultimately hypocritical. madonna has ripped off everyone from marilyn monroe to marlene dietrich. her “express yourself” video was basically an homage to fritz lang’s film metropolis. “the vogue” video took images from horst p. horst’s photos mainbocher corset, lisa with a turban, and carmen face massage. she even got sued for her video” hollywood” which pretty much copied the photos of the late french fashion photographer guy bourdin. bordin’s son said. “it’s one thing to draw inspiration; it’s quite another to simply plagiarize the heart and soul of my father’s work.” bourdin’s lawyer said the parties reached a “very, very successful settlement,” adding that terms of the deal did not allow him to discuss exact dollar amounts.
“Express Yourself” wasn’t “basically” an homage to Metropolis it was a full-out “this, right here what we’re doing, is an homage to Metropolis” homage to Metropolis (it even followed the same plot and she said it to anyone who asked.) I haven’t seen the 20/20 interview yet but I don’t see her as complaining that Gaga is ripping her off as much as she’s complaining that she just isn’t doing it very well.
Funny how she talks about Gaga now that Madonna herself is about to release new music. Everyone needs press.
I’ve got my dvr set for 20/20 tonight. Madonna still is kicking ass and calling out names even in her 50’s in every way possible. Love her reductive comment.
This IS amazing.
Zach- I can’t believe you’re a Madge lover. Madonna Breaks her “Scilence”!! WTF, spell check please!
I peed myself a little. It reminds me of her hydrangea response video. She has bigger balls than Mick Lovell on this banner I’m looking at on the side of your webpage.