Supposedly, a batch of cocaine that’s been festively dyed black has been making the rounds at inaugural functions. Of course, we haven’t actually seen said cocaine, but we’ve heard from at least one member of said coke-whoring media elite — and on the internet, hearing is believing. (Besides, we didn’t believe in the grape-flavored cocaine of San Francisco, either, until the evidence was irrefutable.)
Of course, it’s also possible that this is the fabled black cocaine (cocaine mixed with masking chemicals cobalt and ferric chloride for use in smuggling in toner cartridges) that hasn’t been filtered. Let’s hope for the sake of all those reporters’ sinuses and livers that this is just a squid-ink dye job.
Anyhow, if this were really in Obama’s honor, shouldn’t it be half-black/half-white?
SNOOZEFLASH: Trying to Find Something Gay About the Inauguration
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On Top of Everything Else, Your Cocaine Is About To Get More Expensive
The Sword Guide to Gay Party Drugs: Cocaine