Two African-American gay porn stars, one big bareback performer, and one big retired model help comprise this week’s list. And for the first time this summer, Christian Wilde has been knocked out of the top slot…but by whom? This week’s top 10 gay porn stars are below.
Based on actual NakedSword statistics, here are the top 10 gay porn stars on NakedSword for the week ending 8/16. Not familiar with a particular star? Don’t worry, each linked name takes you to that performer’s entire catalog of movies on NakedSword.
1. Jackson Taylor (as seen in Manfuck Manifesto )
Yay for Jesse Santana. I LOVE him.
Gerin/Jackson Taylor #1 !!?? You just made my entire weekend ! Get your hot ass back to porn immediately !!
Phenix Saint looks sexier when he has body hair on his chest and arms. Though, still has the hottest eyebrows.
It speaks to my age, my weight, and the general condition of my ass, but I think I’ll take the cookies as opposed to the cock. Cock I can get any time (bears are generous that way), but a good cookie is something worth stopping for.
Who’s the number 1? never heard of him!
Anyone know what that Jesse Santana scene is ?
I think it’s from his Golden Gate scene with Sage Daniels
Just googled their names and the scene that came up matches the pic. Thank you, kind sir. I lust for Jesse – such a great sloppy ass :-)
@Dean Yeah I think so coz he has this mixed not like the number 5.
You do know, blacks come in many different shades with different textures of hair. If you want to talk about being mixed, most blacks in the United States with an ancestry black to slavery have a mix ancestry, thanks to rape of black African slave women and black women during Jim Crow by white males in the U.S.
Oh that was bad. But Antonio is hot.
once again, Tony, I did not say Puerto Rican is a race. When I said “race of puerto ricans” I meant it as I would for “race of New Yorkers”, or “race of Americans” because I know there are many races in Puerto Rico.
@Tony… Just write a damn Kindle edition and get it out of your system dude! geez…. Now, where’d Antonio head off to?
Happy for Phenix, he’s back doing porn and he deserves the interest. He’s an amazing performer. As for Christian, well he still remains the hottest guy ever…
I agree with glad to see the Phenix back. I don’t think he realizes how sexier he is now, then when he first started out.
Antonio Biaggi is not black. He looks to be a mix of European and Native American ancestry, like a lot of Puerto Ricans. If there’s any black, it’s very diluted.
Dean, you sure don’t know the history of Puerto Rico, it’s history, and black slaves brought there. I’m the same complexion on Antonio as is most black Americans. You have never seen Antonio’s hair texture because he keeps it get close like Austin Wilde. I can assure you, both men have coarse hair or pelo grifo. Better yet Dean, take a trip to Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic as see all the blacks running around looking just like blacks living in D.C., NYC, Philly, Durham, N.C., Baltimore, Atlanta, Miami, Norfolk, Va., etc. I’m 100% of Puerto Rican ancestry born in New York City to 2 black or Afro Puerto Rican parents. In the U.S. Antonio is considered black thanks to the 1 drop rule. There are many blacks like former Congressman Adam Clayton Power and Lena Horne with much fair skin and straight. These blacks could have passed for white during Jim Crow. I have fair skin Puerto Rican relatives born in NYC and their birth certificate states, white. You need to learn about genetics and there are on 3 races (Caucasoid race, Mongoloid race, Negroid race . Hispanic nor Puerto Rican is a race of people. The original people on the island of Puerto Rico were the Taino Indians, a subgroup of the Arawakan Indians (a group of American Indians in northeastern South America.
Correction: Former Congressman Adam Clayton Powell
Yeah, he’s not really black though and I never said Hispanic or Puerto Rican is a race. I know in many Hispanic countries there are plenty of mixed race people, they make up the majority, but they usually favor one side more than the others if they’re not obviously mixed looking. In Antonio’s case, he favors the European and Native American sides, and I’m basing this purely on his features, not complexion because I know many fair skinned people with obviously african facial features (this especially applies to people from DR). Africans aren’t the only type of people with curly hair, and to assume Antonio MUST have some african ancestry simply because of his hair texture is silly I think. Although, if there is some in his bloodline, it’s far back or diluted.
Maybe he has an Italian ancestors given his full name if it’s true.. But Im rarely attracted to black guys but Antonio is the exception. He is more handsome than Austin Wilde definitely.
Dean, you are not Rican (Boricua). I know about my heritage and ancestry in Puerto Rico. Most Puerto Ricans are mixed with Spanish from Spain, African, and native Taino Indian. Please learn about your own ancestry, before you start assuming you know others ethnic ancestry. There are many black or Afro Puerto Ricans that look like Antonia Biaggi living in Carolina, Santurce, Loíza, Ponce, and Río Piedras in Puerto Rico. My family members in Puerto Rico skin color range from Moreno, Mulatto, Trigueño, and Blanco. We Puerto Ricans don’t use the term Mestizo as they do in Central America and Mexico. We use the term trigueño referring to someone with dark olive skin.
ok you’re the expert. only you can speak on the race of puerto ricans and no one else because you know everything.
Dean, Puerto Rican is not a race, it’s a nationality. Puerto Ricans can be of any race and we range in colors from Negro, Mulatto, Trigueño, Blanco. Yes I know, studied, and learned about my culture and the history of Puerto Rico.
Good god dude take a chill pill! Take it up with the US Census Bureau! I’m here to talk about hot men! Period! And if anyone can get Antonio or Austin to notice my hot ass, then help a bitch out please!
@Tony I also liked Antonio Biaggi, he’s a romantic kind. I dont think his pure black. He’s kinda goodlooking.
Wow. Not a very good list.
I like Antiono Biaggi and I enjoyed watching him in the kitchen hearing his voice in English. Antiono is Puerto Rican and his race is black, like me. Puerto Rican or Hispanic isn’t a race. Puerto Rican is a Nationality and Hispanic is ethnicity. Derek Reynolds has a beautiful chocolate ass and body. I love his skin tone. I’m staying away from chocolate chip cookies, Snickers, M&M Peanuts, and all junk food for a while. My stomach looks like Rocco Reed and I want it to look like Ryan Guzman. LOL
I Guess Zach is not sleeping anymore with Christian Wilde, that’s why Christian slips to # 2. Ooops.
Btw # 6 looks like Ricky Roman !
The no.7 isn’t ANTONIO BIAGGI.
No it’s Spencer Reed. #6 is Antonio Biaggi. Learn to read.
@sxg I can read ok. You always bashing me why are you like that. I’m hurting.
Never much rhyme or reason to this list. Thank god I never have to do a sociology graph on it!
Marc Dylan does not approve.
Derek is def sexy, he and Kennedy Carter had a hot scene about 2 years ago with raging stallion. Lately it seems he is working with next door studios on there ebony line. He so needs to come back to raging or hell maybe even Michael Lucas where he will be front and center and oh so hot.
Whether you’re for or against bareback porn, BB studios and performer almost always top the list. What does that say about what viewers want???
It says that they are selfish, only caring about their own orgasm and not anyone else’s health or life.
not sure if trolling or serious…
I like Christian Wilde, although his straight he performs well. Love the eyes. ;-)
Totally over-rated!
So the number 1 is the the porn star that was said to have been taking loads since age 4, by that disgusting studio.
I feel sorry for the guy. :(
WOW! I wasn’t a big fan of Phenix Saint to begin with, but judging from that photo he looks absolutely stunning! That photo makes me want to go and check out his videos. That Man Is Sex On A Stick! What have I been missing…LOL
Facewise that doesn’t even look like him. I didn’t even know it was him until I saw the brass knuckles tattoo. He’s a decent performer though, so he’s definitely worth checking out.
I wouldn’t completely say that bareback porn is topping this list because it’s more popular, I just think that their are less outlets to view bareback porn, and it’s probably a much better deal to watch TIM porn on nakedsword rather than go directly to the TIM website and watch it.
Usually studio websites are much more expensive for a membership, and they won’t have the diversity in movies as a VOD website with numerous studios such as NakedSword has.
There are only two people out of these ten that I respect and/or would be interested in watching. (Those two factors are not unrelated.)
Spencer Reed looked so much better before he overdid the roids. I mean he’s still hot as hell, but to age 10 years in only 2 years is just scary.
Yes Derek Reynolds is superhot! He’s done a few videos with Raging Stallion, and other studios here and there. He really should have a much larger presence in porn.
And where is that pic of Jesse Santana from? Looks like it came from a 70s porno.
OMG who is Derek Reynolds and why isn’t he everywhere?
Derek Reynolds is one of the hottest bottoms in porn ever. I hope he’ll do more bareback films! Love him!