Can You Guess The Model Based On Their Throwback Pics?

How well do you know your favorite models? We’re about to put your knowledge to the ultimate test!

We’ve asked some of the top models in the game to submit some #TBT photos of themselves and now it’s your job to figure out who each photo belongs to. They’re all popular performers that you’ve seen featured on this blog before and you definitely know their names. It’s going to be a difficult task, but it’s definitely possible to assign someone to every #TBT pic. All of the pictures are numbered, so be sure to assign a name to each number when you comment your guesses down below.

We will reveal the answers to this guessing game next Thursday, so you have all week to channel Nancy Drew and figure out who is in each photo. Take a look at the pictures and be sure to comment down below!

1. Swagged out in a green turtleneck 

2. All about that stank face

3. Dressed in red

4. Lil blondie

5. A true fashionista 

6. Cowabunga!



11 thoughts on “Can You Guess The Model Based On Their Throwback Pics?”

  1. I´m not sure about all of them, but
    1: Cade Maddox?
    2: Jason Vario?
    3: Josh Moore
    4: Alam Wernik
    5: ??
    6: Max Adonis

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