If you read this blog a lot, then you know we take any opportunity we can to talk about sexy Spider-Men and Tom Holland. The famous twink is one of our favorite superhero actors right now, so you can only imagine how excited we were when our friends at Mr. Man sent us a hoard of his sexiest nude moments that run through his film career.
Starting it all off – Tom started the skin show in 2017 with Spider-Man: Homecoming. Tom was only twenty-one years old when he helped reboot this beloved franchise. Tom made the iconic role his own by flaunting his sexy, shredded, and smooth bod in not one but two scenes.
Two years after Spider-Man: Homecoming, Tom was badder and beefier than ever when he returned to the Marvelverse for Spider-Man: Far from Home. Once again he casually stripped off his shirt, and once again audiences were gagged by his truly gorgeous twink bod. Homecoming will have people at home… cumming!
Of course, all of this brings us to Tom Holland’s long-awaited nude debut. After years of teasing, Tom’s fans were rewarded thanks to the 2021 drama Cherry. In one scene, we get to see Tom’s ass for the very first time as he struggles on the ground with his tighty whities pulled down to his knees!
Shortly after that, Holland bulges out in a major way while having a bathroom freakout. And all of this isn’t even to mention his military ass inspection! We literally see inside of Tom Holland’s hole as a doc gives him a once over. Want more? See ALL of Tom’s sexy scenes right here!
[Tom Holland’s Sexiest Moments]
Tom Holland is a dream, so would date him if I could, always wanted to meet him!
At 25 years old, he’s no longer a twink, he’s a man.
He can be both
Cherry, you say? I am watching that ASAP.
Ugh! It’s only on Apple TV! Fuck that!!!
Apple TV is getting great, you can always binge and dump.
Cherry, however, is not.
Tom Holland is average looking, if that. Step on any college campus and you’ll see much cuter guys, and most gay porn shows bodies twice as hot as his. I don’t understand this attraction to him.
He’s sweet and charming and British, keeps it tight and his face is far more symmetrical than “average.” I went to Oxford, there were not nearly enough Tom Hollands to go around.