Just kidding. Though I can’t promise the Chris Porter makeout, he does play a role in determining the winner of everything else.
Thanks to GayVN and Naked Sword, The Sword is giving away two (2) tickets to the GayVN Awards on September 24th. The ceremony will be hosted by Alec Mapa and broadcast on a premium cable network, so if you’re in the audience, you could be on teevee! Here’s how to win:
Leave a comment in response to this post that, in 300 words or less, describes why you’d like to have sex with one of the below GayVN nominees. If you’re feeling cunty, you can also, in 300 words or less, describe why you wouldn’t like to have sex with one of the below GayVN nominees. Write whatever you want, but be convincing. Be funny. Be provocative. The most entertaining entry will win.
Pick from any of these nominees:
Austin Wilde
Trevor Knight
Jeremy Bilding
Tony Buff
Landon Conrad
Brent Corrigan
Diesel Washington
Jason Pitt
Jayden Grey
Steve Cruz
Spencer Reed
Phillip Aubrey
Alexsander Frietas
Kyle King
Landon Mycles
Roman Heart
Jesse Santana
Johnny Hazzard
Matthew Rush
Race Cooper
Samuel Colt
Brent Everett
Erik Rhodes
Tommy Defendi
Francois Sagat
Michael Lucas
Pierre Fitch
Rob Romoni
Steven Daigle
Wolf Hudson
I’ll select the five best responses, and from those five, Chris Porter himself will select the ultimate winner.
As noted above, the winner will receive two tickets to the GayVNs (a $300 value) and two VIP passes to the Naked Sword after party, where there will be an open bar (a value you can’t put a price on).
Comments will be accepted until this Friday, August 27th, at 12 midnight PST. And in your comment, be sure to leave an e-mail address where we can contact you. Good luck!
I would like to have a guy in a video hot guys kissing please see it and get him i want him i don’t know his name….
I really want to go to the GAYVN awards, because I am from the Netherlands and here there aren’t that hot gay pornstars here in Holland as they have in the USA! I want to see all the pornstars and I want to know them on a personal level, I want to know what drives them to make a career in the pornindustie. I hope I can still participate at the contest! Please choose me!
Math from the Netherlands!
I don’t want to have sex with Matthew Rush. I want to call him a friend. He has a personality, he has an atmosphere. And sure, that’s what makes a good porn star, one that has a noticeable presence. But while the sex would be (I’ve run this through my head a few times) a-fucking-mazing, I get the feeling he’d be hotter as more than a trick. If I met Matt I wouldn’t walk away gloating I had sex with him. I’d leave saying I met a good mind where people only see a body. Sorry man, you’re just to carefree and happy for me to think of you as a sex object. :D
I need to win these tickets, and I don’t even need both, just one….soooo happy to share…..becuase I really…and I mean really need to break this drought and have some dirty sex….I have been sitting here for two months…visiting family…in this hell hole of a village ….where homophopia reigns….with disapproving stares and comments…I need to be brought back into the fold…back into my tribe…of cock suckers, ass lickers and buttfuckers… to be with my people….I just happen to be in SF that weekend on my way home to Australia…I want to be corrupted…taken…used…and spat out……..is it bad that turns me on? I’ll take any of the tops…like Alexsander Frietas and his Brazilian Burrito…or versatiles…Bonjour Francois Sagat my Muslim Muffin…and my favourite of all Erik Big Bottom Rhodes…but since we are about the same height…..and both flat on our backs…I guess we could spoon….you see it doesn’t really matter…as long as I get to make out with someone …to feel some man scent and taste some he-juice….I’ll know I am there…with my gays. Me horny now…I need to find some soft fruit to pleasure myself with…
If I had to pick one of these men to have sex with it would defiantly be Diesel Washington. The reason It’d be Diesel has nothing to do with physical attraction, but everything to do with personality. Diesel talks a big game, he has a big dick, which means I’d have a big orgasm. The man says he’s a legend, I’d happily go to the ER and let my gaping hole become a legend there. The man is a Marvel fanatic so he must be a superhero in bed. Most of all you know what they say, Once you go black, you’re going to need a wheel chair. Diesel + Me = History in the making!
this one has my vote. vagina dentata? the snapping beak of an angry octopus? it obviously doesn’t make me hard, but it made me giggle.
well this isnt very hard. i would not like to be fucked by any of the following due to the fact that…i dont want to whistle while i walk.
I don’t really need 300 words to explain why I wouldn’t fuck Brent, just two: vagina dentata. Look it up, boys.
Ok, maybe MY vagina doesn’t actually have teeth, but the danger of vaginas is still very real. A carnivorous little lamb like Brent Corrigan should steer clear of them at all costs. Not just him, but all the men on that list. Because they’re evil. So evil, most people are afraid to speak their true name. Instead we use non-threatening nicknames like, “va-jay-jay.” It lulls you into a false sense of security…and then bites off your penis. I simply cannot be responsible for de-cocking Brent Corrigan. Granted, you could have hours of fun with just his perfect ass, but STILL.
Also, I can’t be the only one who hears the word “cervix” and immediately pictures the snapping beak of an angry octopus. (If you didn’t before, you will now.) Sure, my hole is self-lubricating, but in no way does that make up for it being a hellmouth. Not to mention, fucking a gay boy goes against the Fag Hag Code of Ethics. I took an oath to protect and support gay men, NOT put my vagina on them.
No, I would never fuck Brent Corrigan. He deserves to be mounted by a beast like Samuel Colt. A real stud; a man who would have him quivering like an arrow-pierced fawn.
Impurely imaginary,
[ erynn.vaehne@gmail.com ]
Scene: Mother visits her son (me) in college three years ago and asks to use his computer. Without any thought I pass it along and forget that I have this photo http://preview.tinyurl.com/23w8b86 saved as my desktop photo. If you can’t see it, the photo is sexy Francois ass in the air balancing on a big pink ball. lol At that moment she discovered my big secret. I guess then she thought she could drop her big secret on me too…she’d started selling sex toys ever since I left home for school and had been making a killing on glass dildos! LOL Ever since she’s been supplying me with the craziest sex toys and best of all lube! For my last b-day she got me a portable stripper pole. And yes, this 5’8 145 lb young man can go upside down and in circles! lol I’ve been practicing.
Oh and I’d love to have sex with Francois Sagat…I mean i thought that was a given.
Sex Haiku inspired by my constant lust for Tony Buff
Fucking Tony Buff
Would make my body tremble
While shooting thick loads.
Bound, flogged, and gagged
Tony spreads my ass open
In, out, spit, in, out.
His cock is so thick
Forcing it down my pup face
Would be heavenly.
Looking in his eyes
I get lost in what he thinks
Don’t want to be found
Tony ROCKS leather
Like it was his second skin
Totally jealous
Hot streams of his piss
Splashing in and out my mouth
Would make guys jealous
Tony takes control
”Sit.” I sit. “Suck it.” I suck.
I’m a content pup.
Tony fisting me
Would be so impossible
Or would it? Let’s see…
Marks on my body
Red from Tony’s long, thick, rope
keeps him in my thoughts
Honestly, I think having sex with Tony Buff would be revolutionary. Watching and reading about the stuff he does makes me not ashamed and afraid to experiment with my sexuality. Having sex with Tony is not just something physical. It is something that goes way beyond an orgasm. Tony Buff doesn’t just fuck you. He FEELS you. He inflicts a wonderful stinging sensation on your mind, body, and soul that is so hard to get rid of. Who would want to get rid of it anyway? Tony makes me think so much about how I want to have sex with men but never really have the chance to practice it in my private life. Having a man like him in an industry full of some ghastly personalities is a god send. I can’t stress enough what an amazing individual he is.
So yeah, Basically, sex with Tony Buff would be deliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicious.
Tommy Defendi! If I’m gonna be walking around like I got fucked by a freight train, at least it’ll have been an adorable one .
Simply put hands down Erik Rhodes. I am not a size queen, but do enjoy big things, big men, big cocks, big plates of meat, big muscles and big sales at Macys. Get the point. Plus he is hot without trying, acting or working to convince you. All the things he does are really just him whether you like it or not, he is not trying to entertain you he is being who he is that’s it. My ass is in the air now!
Obviously, I have to say Chris Porter; not because he has a say in the winner, but because he’s my kind of fantasy. He has a fun personality that shows he doesn’t take life too seriously, but could also unleash my untapped inner-freak and show this Hoosier college student how to fuck with the big boys (perhaps while wearing those adorable Mouseketeer ears from his blog??). And let’s be real, the guy is fucking cute as hell! Though, we don’t have rough/leather guys like him here in Indiana, so I would need lessons; but every good student is an eager learner and I would be shooting a 4.0 by the time he gets done with me ;)
A close second would be a tie from Pierre Fitch and Brent Corrigan simply because they were a staple in my cumshooting teen years just as the football captain was. I can’t tell you how many times I went out into the cornfield and fantasized about sliding slowly down on one of their dicks.
I love that these guys are my age and so successful in the industry but also well connected to their fans with blogs and twitter as well. It allows me to care more and gives my dick even more motivation and inspiration than some random amateur “straight” guy. If I failed to fulfill one my fantasies with the above guys, I know that I could always rely on my second ticket to ensure that I get some serious fucking at the end of the night from my friend for bringing him along for the ride :) Either way, I would be like an Ethiopian orphan at a buffet hosted by Madonna if I were given the chance to meet the nominees and enjoy the debauchery of the entire night.
After the fact that the Next Door Studio’s chair said, “We’ve been getting Chlamydia every month for five years, and we’ve had only two, well Mason makes three, who’ve tested HIV-positive…” I don’t ever have the desire to have sex with any of these porn stars– Chlamydia, HIV, herpes or not.
Besides, should someone win outside of the SF area, the winner would have to make their own travel arrangements and what kind of prize is that?
The best two I’d have sex with would be Alexsander Frietas and Landon Mycles. I’d start out taking a double ended dildo with Landon so we’d both get warmed up, take turns sucking his dick and eating his ass, and then have him hard pump our asses with his monster hog cock. Yeah I can’t really decide between the two so I’ll take both (literally).
Hum..Hello.. How about a Huge Gang Bang!! I would love it if all those hotties took turns and cummed all over my twink ass body!! no drip left behind, thats my motto. Just the thought of it rushes blood into my penius! no Caverject or Trimix need here, hard as a rock! bring it on boys! In all honesty I just need to get laid, maybe someone at the GayVN Awards will fuck me for no pay lol. So Please do me a favor pick me ;)
Fuck one…Id take them all on. Nothing like a hot man on man sweaty fuckfest!!!! pick me pick me!
Diesel Washington and Race Cooper because I’d like to make milk chocolate with those two cocoa gods.
WHY DO I WANNA FUCK SAMUEL COLT?I had the pleasure of meeting this muscle stud of a man here in Arizona. and once i was done being star struck that this Mr. SF Leather title holder and Grabby newcomer of the year was shaking my hand . i was able to appreciate his amazing body chiseled from marble by the gods. This Mustang exclusive and Men magazine “Man of the Year” has achieved great things this year so far ( like a Steve Cruz “Performer of the Year” award ) and its only halfway over. My only hope is that this VORACIOUS muscle daddy loses NO steam and continues to bang out hits . And with one major project that i had a chance to ask him about … im sure he’s going to turn a lot of us on in ways we didn’t know we would enjoy
Who’s Chris Porter and why am I suppose to care that he’s judging this contest?
LOL do I have to pick one? seriously I want them all and I want it filmed too, Chi Chi can direct it and put it in a video. just think of how hot it would be. the biggest porn orgy of all time with all of the hottest boys in porn and me oh and Zach sire you are invited too cause it would be hot.
shit my fav bottoms aren’t here:
1. noar tal an ass made in gay paradise
2. alexy tyler : a hot bottom bitch if there ever was one
3. tyler johnson for his chocolate ass and good looks and good sex skills
4. angelo marconi for his ass-skills
5. jonathan vargas, another ass made is heaven
6. baby star and snowbuni for the hottest flava asses EVER
Have to stop now for my own health
Harvey Walker
Mr. Sire’s Class
Who I Want To Do When I Grow Up.
When I grow up I want to have lots of friends and move away to California and see the Redwood Forest. I think that new boy Steven Daigle is really neat. He’s been on TV before, but I never even saw any of his episodes. I don’t know Tony Buff really well, but I think he likes to be the one to make the rules in Simon Says. I bet he likes Red Rover too. I think Wolf Hudson is really friendly. He’s friends with everybody. And I mean everybody. That’s nice of him. Erik Rhodes and Diesel Washington are two of the biggest guys in class, so people usually listen when they speak. And Diesel says some funny things sometimes that don’t really make sense, but it’s still fun to hear. One time, Jayden Grey threw a fit because a picture he wanted of himself for the cover of his project didn’t turn out the way he wanted. It wasn’t the worst picture I ever saw, but I get why he was upset. Francois Sagat is sort of like an exchange student, I’m pretty sure. Sometimes he’s here a lot and sometimes he’s not.
There are many reasons I’d pick each one of the boys on the list, but since I have to choose only one, I pick Jeremy Bilding. He’s like the popular boy in class who makes sure to say hello to everyone whether they’re important or not and makes you feel good. All the girls and all the boys like him. (And he’s really cute too.)
And that’s who I want to do when I grow up.
Love the “bad boy” type & modeled myself after him (in my escort life)….Off the set, he’s also welll rounded & balanced…Gues that’s why he’s STILL around.
Would like to flip/flop with him for a power session…..
I wouldn’t want to have sex with 98% of them. Why? Because what’s on screen rarely has anything to do with reality. The meanest tops are usually the pushiest bottoms and the bigger the meat the higher the feet. Also when you have sex with someone that has sex for money you always pay for it.
It seems obvious to me that whoever wins this contest will have to opportunity to meet most of these guys. So fuck it; I’m not writing my answer in the conditional (If I could…bla bla bla). I’m young, I’m cute, and I’m smooth, so give me the VIP passes and I WILL have Francois Sagat on his knees before night’s end. Why him? Because he’s fucking sexy. Period. Now let’s go!!!
Hard to pick just one, and since Chris Porter isn’t on the list, I’ll go with Brent Everett. Although he has every right to be proud of that gorgeous cock, he has a beautiful ass, which in my opinion has been sadly under used – at least on film . . . So I’d love to spend the night fucking him. Maybe throw in a little consensual bondage for good measure. Then, if he’s been really good, I’d let him use his dick on me. (And if Chris Porter is free, he could join us . . .)
Alexsander Freitas!! He is the hottest guy on the list!
Pick Just one? Fuck that Id have every single one of those Guys over for a Huge All-Star fuck fest All weekend long
Without a doubt, Steve Cruz. In every video I’ve seen him in, he’s such anaggressively cock-hungry, enthusiastic bottom, which is just my style. Turns my shit right on. As a gifted top (well, that’s what I’m told, anyway), I’d hope I could deliver on the level he’s used to. Plus, who doesn’t want to see how a superstar bottom would rate you? It would be worth it just to see if I get shamed or find my ego come that much closer in size to my package. All that, and he’s outspoken about safe sex. That’s even hotter. Bonus: pick me and I’ll show ya my junk!
I have to say that I’m very dissapointed in the choice of porn stars I’d have reason to fuck. Where’s Logan McCree? King Cole? Cameron Jackson? Am I really that out of date?
All these new whipper-snappers have my penis confused. It’s so hard to keep up with the newer talent… actually, it’s not hard. I guess that’s the problem.
(what’s the typeface icon for a limp penis?)
Anybody but Diesel Washington. Although after “Bully” and “Motorcycle” and those silly gymnastic moves of his I have to say I would score a perfect 10 from the judges for the dismount doing a half-pike, flip, and tuck, and landing flat on my feet with my arms raised.
I would love to play around with Michael Lucas, and/or Brent Corrigan…..oh hell, who am i kidding? I’d probably get naked and wiggle around with any of them! I’ve always wanted to have super-hot porn-star-sex with super-hot-porn-star bodies! I’d love to see how reality measures up to fantasy! Plus I could use a few days in CA…I’ll put out for that!
Jason Pitt, definitely. Because it would be exactly like old times and I wouldn’t have to worry about him popping out another screaming brat.
Very truly yours, Jon Gosselin@ILoveFreakyHair.com
(count me out – I’ll be in Italy then) ;-P
I would love to have sex with Matthew Rush. He was the first porn star that I fell in lust of when I was beginning to come out. I’ve probably seen more of that cock and ass on film than any other porn star, and would love to lick him ALL over. I would love to take that massive cock as often as I could, and would love to eat out and play with that big bubble ass, and ANYTHING else he wanted!
for clarification purposes….
You need our email address “IN” the body of the comment as well as in the verification field for replies?
[Editor’s Note: Either way.]
I’d have sex with Samuel Colt because that’d turn Chris Porter on. And why I would want to do *that* is, well, obvious.