We’re not certain Jamie D. Monas of Silver Model Management is going to get his dream — he may be a little buff and, well, fitness-y — but we like him just the same.
We discovered him via The Male Model Magazine, and between the tattoos, that jawline, and those awesome arms and abs, we had to crown him The Sword’s Torso of the Week.
Oh, and he’s like totally hung and hard in a couple of these.
Torso of the Week: Marco Blaze
Torso of the Week: Cam Gigandet
Torso of the Week: Michael Fitt
Fitness Model Undress: Marco Dapper
Too bad he had to fuck up his pecs with those tats.
The photography is terrible.
not sure the tats add anything to an already gorgeous pec slab
He looks VERY slutty … fuck yeah!