Mike Penner (below, right) is being rather fickle with his pickle. The sports-writer for the LA Times delighted the tranny community a couple years ago when he became Christine Daniels. But in a rare move, Christine has now decided to become Mike again. Tranny spokesgirrrl Denise Leclair calls Mike’s decision “unfortunate.” She adds that “it’s relatively uncommon but certainly not unheard of.”
Just how uncommon? One psychologist tells USA Today that about 5% of his tranny clients decide to “revert.” The LA Times has yet to comment, but it has already removed all “Christine Daniels” bylines from its website.
In San Francisco, May Perez (left) has filed a sexual harrassment lawsuit against her former employer, The Burlington Coat Factory. Miss Maya is accusing company supervisors of giving her porn and touching her, as well as giving her nicknames like “He-She” and “Mr. Bitch.” We’re rooting for you, Mr. Bitch!
And in Italy, an unidentified 45-year-old man hopes to join a convent as a nun after his upcoming sex change operation. But thhe church — shockingly — is resistant. “I talked about my wish with a priest but I was misunderstood,” the man told a reported. “A conversation with a bishop was even worse.”
Trannies in Trouble: Two He-She Killers Get Nabbed
Dallas Trannies Demand No More Use of the Word ‘Tranny’
World’s Hottest Tranny Stomps Rio Catwalk
Mike – Christine – Mike (Joe. My. God.)
Transgender Woman Sues Burlington Coat Factory for Discrimination (SF Gate)
Italian gay man wants sex change, become nun (Ria Novosti, via Towleroad)